Waking Up

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We begin In darkness as suddenly,everything was seen and it zoomed out to Reveal someone opening their eyes and sees themselves in a room.

The person notices he's in the Air and soon,realizes that this a hanging position to Commit Suicide.

He struggles as he Feels the Rope or whatever is slowly Cutting off his Air and Fears the Worst until due to him moving,he falls and Looks Around.

??:Where the hell am i?

He Saw a Mirror to which gave away his Appearance.

He Saw a Mirror to which gave away his Appearance

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??:Is.....that Me?

He Looks around and saw a Book and Opened as it said the Following.

"hey,i'm not sure why i decided to even use this but this isn't anything and it's just my first entry in my journal,nothing special"

??:Well at least,they Don't call it a diary.

The person decided to skip a few pages and read some later installments in it and saw something Surprising.

"My time at this school so far has been a Hell!Everyone just picks on me and Even worse,they think i'm powerless but I'm Not.....My Power is just useless,I just hope that this changes later on"

He felt bad for whoever owns this Book as well as sighed as he looked at the Next entry.

"It's Been about 3 Months since i started and instead of Getting Better,it did the Opposite by Getting WORSE!These guys don't care about me,the teachers ignore me.

??:Damn,This kid has been F*cked up,hasn't he?

He kept Reading and Saw it's next part which read...

"i asked Out Yang But She said that i was "A Pathetic Powerless Weak Nobody who will never amount to anything",i wanted to see If My friend,ruby would talk to me but she called Me a jerk and left"

The guy sighed because it seems like the owner had lost his friends because they abandoned him but he saw one last Entry.

"this isn't an entry,it's a Suicide Note and that's because.....I.....I just Can't take it Anymore!My Family hates Me,Most of My Friends Abandoned Me,The teachers Just Ignore me and Blame me while,the bullies just Laugh and Humiliate Me...So,i give Up.....I'm gonna take my Own life...and If some of My Friends and Former friends are Reading this..Than,I'm Sorry but i just Can't,This Is Goodbye.......Forever"

The guy was Shocked That the owner decided to take his Own Life and Sighed as he said.

??:Jeez,if I knew better than i say This Guy Was Mr.Depression....he had A Bad life.

He suddenly remembered something as he Looked at the spot he woke up from and it was causing him to nearly die because he was Hung up causing him to Realize that this Book's owner is....

??:Oh...........this Depressed Guy Is Me.

He was Surprised but didn't care as He still Had no Memory of who he was and still had No idea of his Name but he looked at the Name on it and it said....

"property Of Kai Wilson"

Kai:So.....My Name's Kai?....Okay,than.

The Now named Kai decided to put the Owner's-I mean His Book Away and went to the Door Which lead out of His Dorm.

Kai:Well,I may not Remember who i was or.....Anybody for that matter but the Solution is Easy!So get ready,World......it's time to meet A New Kai Wilson.

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