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"Hey!! I can't see!" Coiny complained and hopped up and down in attempt to see over the crowd of students, who were grouping around the wall and trying to locate the images of the newly taken photos of the new arrivals. Everyone was really excited, this hadn't happened in a small while so it was nice to have something new around here. Pin noticed Coinys struggle and helped pull him through the crowd, grabbing his wrist and pushing him in front of her so he could see.

"Holy shit! There's 6 of them?!" Snowball exclaimed loudly, pointing to where the images were after he spotted them. Golfball stared over to him, Tennisball covering his ears as she opened her mouth wide. "Yes, are you dense?! Five TOLD us that AGES AGO!!" She raged in his face, causing a few around her to wince at how loud her voice was. For some reason she seemed to take his lack of attention personally.

There was infact 6 of them.

There was infact 6 of them

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