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After the group had been tested for their powers, they were granted access to the cafeteria and the rest of the building accordingly. They were recommended to go to the cafeteria because it was lunch time, but it wasn't mandatory unless they were doing it purposely. Obviously it was kind of awkward trying to settle in, especially if they struggled to socialise. Black Hole in particular felt a wave of intimidation once he walked into the cafeteria, slowing down hesitantly unlike the rest of the group he entered with, who continued to walk inside without a problem. None of them spoke to each other though as they all went their separate ways, each having their eyes set on different groups to sit with.

He felt weary of the sudden large number of people.. it caught him off-guard and he didn't expect it to be so busy. It made him anxious, his chest feeling tight while a deep feeling of worry set itself inside his gut, his breath hitching. He didn't really know anyone that well so wasn't sure.. who exactly to go to or where to sit. He imagined how scary it would be to sit at a random table.. he wasn't sure what to do.

He took another look around before slowly turning, deciding that he wasn't hungry anyways. He felt too sick to eat right now.. which he hadn't felt before until he entered the cafeteria. He would have ate elsewhere but he knew that it was forbidden to eat anywhere but the cafeteria as they were told in the rules, so passed on the opportunity and began to head for the door.

"Blackhole?" He heard a familiar voice say in front of him as he turned.


I turned around after considering my options, not comfortable enough right now with the current tables to sit at one of them. I had expected to.. just leave, but was stopped when someone stood in the doorway.. it was the guy with the accent.. Tree, I think? He had been the one to greet me to..uh, everyone in the first place. He seemed like an interesting guy. I slowly looked up to him, biting my lip for a moment under my mask. "Uh..hey.."

I hadn't been to highschool for a few years.. so this was intimidating. I didn't feel like being around a big group of people right now, since I was used to just being on my own. I wasn't sure if I was dissapointed or.. uh, glad to see Tree, not knowing if my mixed feelings were showing up on my face. Luckily my mask covered most of it.

"Where are you going..? You haven't eaten.." Tree pointed out, furrowing his eyebrows in concern. I wasn't sure what excuse to use.. or if I should lie.

"I..uh, was.." I speak, but no excuse comes to mind as Tree continues to stare expectantly. He waits for me to say something but since I don't, he takes the lead. "Were you leaving?"

I hesitate, but nod in confession. It felt weird for someone to care so much about my wellbeing.. especially someone I hardly knew. Tree seemed to take this personally and furrowed his eyebrows at me disappointedly. "..uh, sorry." I muster a fast apology, hoping that's what he wanted.

"No need for that. Come with me.. we can find a seat together. " Tree offers, walking past me gracefully and taking lead into the cafeteria. I was surprised, but said nothing and followed him, a weak smile forming on my face.. wow.. he's uh,..pretty nice. I don't mind hanging out with him for a little.. he makes me feel welcome, afterall.


Needle was having similar problems. She wanted to eat alone but all of the tables had now been taken up, she could sit at a mostly empty one but frankly she didn't want to be spoken to. She watched grudgingly as Black Hole and Tree took the very last table, gripping her tray with frustration, curling her fingers around the edges as her hair fell over her face. She peaked out of it to look around, not seeing anywhere she particularly wanted to sit.

This was annoying..she was close to dumping her tray in the bin and just walking off, before flinching as someone called her name across the room, it audible over the loud cluster of voices from the crowd. She cringed.. she didn't expect that because she hadn't spoken to anyone.. so they must have remembered her name.

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