Who is he?

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*After the reaction: Ayanokouji POV*

Well, my current situation is not very good. I just REALLY insulted the whole school and showed a small portion of my abilities because of that damn AL thing, and now I'm about to be interrogated by angry classmates and potential enemies in my class. future....

They are angry, is it because I offended them?

That's only 1 part. Their pride did not allow them to believe that someone superior to them was standing right next to them all this time in the dark.

With my classmates, my holding back affected the whole class. To explain their condition, it was like a child with ice cream. If the child doesn't have ice cream in the first place, he won't cry because this is normal. But if the baby's mother buys him ice cream but doesn't feed him, he will get angry and cry, even though the condition of the two identical babies is "no ice cream". In their eyes, I am the sweetest ice cream that has been hidden from their eyes for so long

They really don't understand

They don't understand that it's not me being arrogant, it's simply the pure truth.

The pure fact that none of them are on the same level as me.

Although this unexpected event brought me to the attention too soon, it really felt like an impulse for that man's plan for me.

Well, it's time to drop this "ordinary highschool student" role.

- So, Ayanokouji-kun, can you explain to us, why don't you go all out for the class battle? U know our friends always try their best, right?": Hirata asked the billion-dollar question on behalf of everyone.

- Because I don't want to attract too much attention and want to live a peaceful school life."

- ....u have no interest with class A?" Hirata asks in concern.

- Like Koenji, I already have a place for myself after graduation, so it doesn't matter to me whether I can get A class or not.

Everyone started muttering, expressing their displeasure.

- Damn it, another Koenji....": Sudou growl.

- Why does our class have to share a room with two people like this...." Class D murmured

- Stop it": Akito stood up, still trying to protect me from my classmates' hatred:" Kiyotaka's ability is his own, he has the right to use it or not!". 

Right now, the situation of Ayanokouji's group is unstable. Haruka is currently in a daze as she sees her ideal type being defeated by me, Keisei is seeming annoyed with me for keeping secret of my power, and Airi is trying to reconcile everyone in the group.

- SHUT IT!" Sudou furiously kicked the chair:" Don't you remember how hard we worked in class events? We tried so hard just to get the class up to a higher rank, I even tried to study math and biology, the subjects I hate the most....Yet THIS 2 FUCKERS behaved like that they were sitting overhead looking down on us all while COMPLETELY USELESS!"

- My my red-hair boy": Koenji smile smugly:" Don't imagine that a noble being like me would work for the sake of you commoners"

- It's disappointing": Suzune suddenly said: "Despite possessing good abilities, the two of you chose to be useless. Even an outsider like Sh- Takuya-kun helps the class more than you guys. U should look at urself first when u called us "disapoinmens" ".

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