(Re-upload)Ranking abilities system/ Cheeky Kouhais

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*Ayanokouji's POV* /After leaving the theatre:

"So": Haruka lowered the glass of water she was drinking, and asked me, "Can you explain to us?"

After leaving the theater, Team Ayanokouji is currently sitting together at Kieyaki Mall, after medical treatment for Haruka's injury. Although to outsiders it seems like we are having a pleasant conversation between friends, but no, this is an interrogation.

- About what? I already made it clear why I didn't reveal the S-system

- That excuse isnt enough. If u didn't want to be noticed by ur reasoning ability, then why didn't u anonymously send what u found to Hirata?" Keisei objected.

He got a point. If I do that then I'm sure I won't be noticed either, and the class will get more points at the beginning of the win. Anyway, Hirata's social appeal to the classroom is the exact opposite of mine, who is likely invisible in the class.

- ....Actually.... partly because I'm curious": Knowing that it would be useless to try to lie again, I sighed

- ....Huh?": Ayanokoji's group.

- I simply....uh...wanted to see Class D reaction"

- ....

The silence takes place

- So, Kiyotaka....how did you feel on the 1st of May that time:" Akito asks me

- Fun I guess ?

- .....

- KIYOPON U SADIST!!": Haruka cried, meanwhile Keisei sigh and Sakura chuckle.

After few minutes silence, Keisei asks:

- Kiyotaka...in addition of ur incredible deduction and perception, what else did u hided ? I mean, u always acting like ur just average in academic and sport, but in the theatre, u..." Keisei hesitated :" *Gulp*...completely overpowered Sudou".

Ayanokouji group were silent, waiting for my answer.

- Hahh": I sigh:" The answer will soon be reveal right? Its even more trustful than my words, isn't it?"

Keisei sigh

- U right Kiyotaka, sorry for rushing you

- Is alright. If there's nothing else, I'll go back to my-

- W-wait!": Sakura stood up :"W-We've had enough stress today, l-let's hang out f-for a bit, s-shall...we?

- "Right!" Haruka, seeing through Airi's courage and desire, supports: "We should go out for a while to clear our spirits, and I won't allow you to refuse!"

Both of them were trying to break through the invisible wall that was slowly appearing between us. Rejecting them now would be extremely disrespectful and callous, so...

- Sure": Akiro, me and Keisei said in unison. Looks like it's going to be a long day....

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