Chapter 3- The Dark Master and Other Samurai

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A/N: Florida and Disney were awesome!!! I loved the new Diagonal Alley... It really made me feel like a wizard. Here's the new update! See you Thursday, and then: New York!

Emma's first thought was, wow that guy has neat handwriting. After reading the letter, though, a million thoughts overtook that one.

"How does he know that we ate at that restaurant today?" she asked.

Jake shrugged, "Well, I did ask my brother and a few friends which restaurants were good. We were running out of places to go every Friday."

"Then the Dark Master could be one of those people, or just someone who was eavesdropping on you," suggested the principal.

Emma whipped around; just remembering he was there, "True that. Also, he keeps calling you "little" something, Jake."

Jake nodded, "Yeah. My brother used to call me "little bro," but... I don't know. He misspelled definitely. My brother to always misspells that and he calls an evergreen tree a "forever" tree."

The principal asked the question that Emma was dying to ask, "Jake, what's your brother's name?"

Jake looked surprised, "Peter, but... No. You don't think- no! Peter is not the Dark Master! He can't be!" Jake slammed his fist on the table, tears in his eyes. Pushing back the chair, he stood up, "You don't know him. He would never do something like that." With tears in his eyes and his fists clenched by his sides, Jake ran out of the room, slamming his door behind him.

"Jake, wait!" called out Emma. Looking at the principal, she apologized, "I'm sorry. He's very close to his brother... They're only two years apart. I- I'll be right back." Then she ran out the door, not even bothering to look back.


Emma ran out of the room, just to see Jake turn into the main hallway. Running after him she called, "Jake, wait up! Jake!"

He ran up the main stairwell, towards the boys' dormitories for the transferred Warrior students when she knew she had lost him. Turning around, she found herself face to face with his best friend, Ivan Smith.

"What's wrong?" he asked, "I swear, if you did something to him-"

"No, no," she quickly assured, "It's not that. There's just this guy, and he thinks that we think..."

"Is it the Dark Master?"

Confused, Emma answered, "Yes, how did you know?"

"The whole school's buzzing about it! It was in the newspapers and everything! Anyway, who does Jake think that you think that the Dark Master is? Phew, that's confusing!"

Emma ignored that last comment, "He thinks that we think it's his brother."

Ivan looked surprised, "Peter? But why?"

"We have proof. He sent us a letter and slipped up many times. He called Jake 'Little Brother,' called an evergreen tree a 'forever' tree, misspelled definitely, and almost signed his name as 'Peter.'"

"Yep, that sounds like Peter. I guess Jake's just angry that you suspected his brother. They are extremely close."

"Yes, but he ran to the boys' dorms, so I can't follow him. Could you perhaps console him, or at least get him to come down?"

Ivan nodded and began climbing up the stairs.

A/N: Sorry for the sort of cliffy there! Trust me, it's not as bad as some others.. ;) See ya later!

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