Chapter 14

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Sebastian (last August)

"You're insatiable. And don't give me those eyes, Seduttrice. I'll be back on the dancefloor with you in a second. I just need a drink and a moment to catch my breath," Mattheo complains, falling back onto the leather couch like a bag of rocks.

I try to look as unfazed and unbothered as possible as I lazily let my gaze slide over to them but the sight of her smiling down at him widely as she ruffles his hair makes me feel anything but. I don't even know why. I'm attracted to her, so what? I'm attracted to many people and I never give a shit about who else they give their attention to.

Aliena must feel me staring because she turns around the next second, giving me her attention for a change, rather than my friend. To my great satisfaction, her face sours as her eyes flick to the girl in my lap. Yeah, she doesn't have the same control over her feature as I do.

The girl in my lap gives my hair a tug, eager to be the center of my attention again and I play along as if she'd ever been it in the first place. She smiles down at me, pouting just slightly before leaning in to whisper in my ear.

"I'm thirsty," she tells me.

Her innuendo isn't lost on me but since I have no interest in taking her up on that offer, I just smile and say, "Get whatever you want. It's on me." She seems happy enough to hear that and gets to her feet, giggling when I give her ass a playful parting slap.

I make sure to look after her for a few seconds before allowing my eyes to wander where they actually want to be. I'm not surprised to see Aliena still watching me and the pleasure it brings me is unheard of. I bring my drink closer to my face and give her a small nod before taking a sip, never breaking eye contact.

That's when the unsettling smile spreads over her face. For a short second, I'm scared she tempered with my drink. Then she throws an arm over Mattheo's shoulder and falls into his lap, looking really fucking victorious. Mattheo doesn't miss a beat and places a hand on her thigh, thereby making me want to put a hand around his throat.

My hand clenches around my glass and I only realize that I'm burning a hole into my friend's hand when Aliena laughs softly. Mattheo's whispering something in her ear but her eyes are locked on me. I don't doubt that laugh belonged to me too.

As if that wasn't enough, Aliena takes the game a little further and shimmies back on my friend's lap. His smile turns wicked, his hands find her slim waist, and I watch with simmering fury how he pulls her against him the rest of the way, bringing her back right against his chest and placing her ass perfectly on his groin, no doubt.

I see red but of course, Aliena isn't done playing now. No, she loves the reaction she's getting from me, I know she does, and yet, I can't bring myself to look away and put an end to this. Maybe I secretly get a kick out of it too. Of knowing that it's me she's doing this for, not Mattheo. That it's me she's focusing on and maybe, just maybe, it's me she wished she was sitting on top of.

I'm crazy to think her eyes become lidded because she follows my stream of thought and is thinking of my touch. That's when I realize Mattheo is peppering her neck with small kisses while she holds my gaze.

My hands ball into fists but I don't look away. No, I won't do it if she doesn't. I won't extract myself from the moment and let it belong to him when it's still me she's giving that look to. Her hands rise to her neck and she brushes her hair over her shoulder and tilts her head, giving Mattheo perfect access to deepen the kisses against her skin. Then, her fingers move into his hair and her eyes briefly flutter shut.

When she opens them again, I know it's me she wants. The look she's giving me, the way her body is gradually turning more toward me. Seductress is right. I can feel myself get turned on by the little show she's pulling on but it's enough for me to know I'm not the only one. No, she's getting restless too, I can see it in the way she keeps crossing and uncrossing her ankles, flexing her legs before relaxing them again.

Fuck, and now I'm looking at her long, smooth legs.

I'm saved from drooling all over her when my date of the night returns with her drink. She gets my attention by gently squeezing my shoulder and when I lean back in my seat, spreading my legs just a little wider, she quickly reclaims her place on my lap.

Not unlike how Aliena did it, she moves all the way back on my thighs. For just a second, I let my head lean back on the couch and just feel. Feel and imagine that maybe, it's a woman dressed in black on my lap, rather than the raven-haired one in her silver skirt and halter top.

It's a minor slip-up that lasts a mere beat of the pounding music but it's enough to make me harder than I've gotten for anyone in a month. I open my eyes, look at Aliena, and then finally turn away to take another big sip of my drink. That's it, we're done. The spell's broken.

I'm aware of Aliena getting to her feet, of Mattheo doing the same, and of them disappearing into the crowd outside the VIP section. Finally, I relax in my seat, knowing that things are back to what they always are now. The two of them are dancing out of sight and I'm people-watching with a nice girl in my lap, occasionally conversing with Andrew and Lily whenever they aren't busy eating the other's faces.

How are we liking the characters? Any thoughts?

Have a magical day, my lovely readers<3

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