Chapter 58

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"First things first, drink this," Sebastian tells me, nudging a cool glass of water against my lips. I oblige, despite my discomfort at needing his help for such a mundane task.

Once he deems me hydrated enough, he sets the glass back on the nightstand and picks up the second vibrator. This time, the foreplay isn't as long. No, he wets the toy by running it along my slit a few times before slowly starting to work it inside of me, all without turning it on.

When he meets an initial resistance, he pulls the toy out again and circles my entrance again. Then, he slowly pushes the cool toy inside of me, making me gasp and arch off the bed. Yeah, it's really fucking cold.

"You okay?" he asks, running a soothing hand down my thigh. I nod.

"Just cold."

"Oh, it'll warm up in no time, I'm sure," he says, starting to move it in and out of me. It's shorter than his length by far and has a smaller girth. Still, the curve of it repeatedly hits all the right spots inside of me and I quickly feel my pleasure return.

When Sebastian turns on the vibrations, I finally cry out. Within seconds, I'm on the verge of an orgasm and realizing that, Sebastian quickly turns the toy off again. "Well, shit, Sweetheart, I think you just revealed your favorite. Or did all my edging before get you there so fast?" he asks.

I don't answer, can't answer. I'm too fucking frustrated. I want to come so bad, it's almost painful. So I do the only thing I can do, I desperately clench around the toy inside of me, making myself moan.

Sebastian tuts playfully. "There, there, don't go all solo on me. I decide when you come tonight."

"Please," I whine.

"Soon, baby. We have one more toy to try out. One I am very eager to try out," he muses, looking where I know my wand lies.

Slowly, he pulls the second toy out of me, leaving me empty and aching but before I can be too sad about it, a dull buzzing noise bounces off the walls and my eyes snatch onto the want he's now holding. "I've seen this a lot," he confesses, smiling wickedly.

And so he brought my last toy, already turned on, to my wet entrance like he's done with those before. Once it's wet and glistening, he turns it on and brings it to my throbbing clit. Again, my legs try to close without success and so they shake around Sebastian's body. My hands ball into fists with the effort to keep them above my head, my nails digging into my skin deliciously.

Feeling my pleasure build in my womb, spreading tingles all the way to my toes, I moan, "Seb." Whether it's meant to tell him not to stop or to warn him of how close I am, I don't know. All I know it that the next thing I know, my back is arching off the bed, my muscles tense, and my toes curl as I come hard.

Sebastian keeps the wand in place, riding me through the waves of pleasure until I'm slumping on the bed, my legs shaking and my hips writhing to get away from the stimulation.

The toy finally shuts off and I groan, unwilling to open my eyes again. Fuck, I'm beat. I hope the next thing on Sebastian's plan is giving me a break because I'm drained.

I feel the bed dip under his disappearing weight and open my eyes to see him gather my toys. Then, he moves my arms so my tied hands are in front of me and covers me with a blanket, kissing my cheek. "I'll clean these up and be right back to take care of you, okay, Sweetheart?"

Tiredly but happily sated, I nod. Then, without another word or kiss, Sebastian rushes out of the room to go to the nearest bathroom, I assume.

I rest my eyes for a bit, listening to the water run nearby. It's only then that I realize that I could use a bathroom break too, so I hope Sebastian will be back soon.

When his steps finally come closer, I'm so relieved I could cry. I really need to use the bathroom and the continuously running water isn't helping. If my guess is correct, I'd say he's filling the tub for me. For all my discomfort with intimacy, I find myself smiling at the thought. He'd said he would take care of me. Just this once, I guess I'll let him.

But when he steps into my room, I instantly know something is wrong and my smile drops. I try to straighten and sit up, bracing myself for whatever he's about to say only to find myself incapable since my hands are still tight.

The knot in my stomach tightens as I watch him pace the room, searching the ground for something. Finally, he finds his shirt on the floor next to the bed and hurriedly puts it on.

I swallow around the lump in my throat, forcing myself to ask, "Seb? What's wrong?"

As if he'd forgotten I was there at all, his eyes snap to mine and he winces at the sight. That alone is like a bucket of ice dumped over my head. I mean, really? He winces at the sight of me?

"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry, Aliena, but I have to go," he rambles barely able to meet my eyes. It's a good thing too because mine are currently blurring up and I can't seem to stop it.

"What?" is all I ask, a broken whisper that makes him grimace again. Still, he won't look at me, already inching toward the door.

"I know this isn't what I promised but my mom just texted me. She needs me, I'm really sorry. I'll make it up to you, I promise," he mumbles weakly, meeting my eyes just fleetingly and I realize he's really leaving. Right now. While my hands are still tied up.

The lump in my throat is painful but I force myself to swallow around it and say, "Wait, Seb," trying to get him to look back and realize that I am still tied up. Only that he is no longer standing in the doorway and wherever he is, my voice isn't loud enough to reach him.

So I just lie there for the minute it takes him to leave and get in the elevator below. As soon as I hear the ding announcing his departure, the first sob wrenches itself from my throat, unreasonable betrayal settling deep in my chest and chasing away all the warmth he placed there before.

He just left. After promising he'd take care of me. He left first. That realization hits me like a ton of bricks. As does the rejection that follows closely. This is what I've always been scared of, why I have all those rules about leaving first set in place. So I don't feel like an unwanted ragdoll, tossed to the side and done with.

I try to tell myself not to take this so personally. After all, he's not my boyfriend. Cuddling after sex is boyfriend stuff. Our mistake was disregarding those lines by sleeping together every night.

The worst of it is that I'm still fucking tied up and incapable of getting out on my own. I can feel myself panicking at my utter helplessness as I try to tug my wrists apart. I hate feeling like this, powerless and weak.

It reminds me too much of my mother. Too much of the times I was young, and my father would take his anger out on me. Too much of my incapability of changing my shitty situation growing up.

A familiar weight settles on my chest, heavy and suffocating, and I scream through the tears, trying and failing to rip my hands from my restraints. I can't believe this is happening. Can't believe I'm having a fucking panic attack, tied up, naked, and alone.


Have an eventful day<3

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