Chapter 7

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This is a short one people.

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Edited by BizarreSmalls

Chapter 7

Damn him, that little shit. I've spent the last few months building up Theodore's confidence, and the first thing he says is, "go away you worthless meat bag," in that damn scottish brogue he likes to use. I'm so going to blister his audio receptors. I access Theo's computer, my chosen avatar appearing on the computer monitor.

"Who are you call a worthless meat bag, you pint sized tin man?" The jaw of my avatar drops.

What in the name of the source code just happened? Theo just talked back to Daedalus. Not only did he talk back to him, he insulted him. Theo's never done this before. I snap my avatars jaw shut.

"You are not worthy of the gift's you've been given." Bark's Daedalus.

"Well I'm the one who has them, so get over it." Theo shoots back.

"I could just take Athena's implant out of you and find someone worthy." Theo smiles down at the robotic dwarf.

"You just go ahead and try it, tiny. I'm tougher than I look." Daedalus's eyes flash.

"On second thought, meat sack, I'm just going to kill you then take her implant. That will make the process easier." Theo laughs at him.

"Nice bluff, short round, but we both know you can't kill."

"Are you sure laddie?" Daedalus fires right back.

"You were created by the professor, so yeah I'm sure." Theo crosses his arms over his chest.

"He has you there Daedalus, so knock it off." I snap.

"Athena, we can do much better than this meat bag." His speakers squeals as he whines.

"Daedalus, enough! Theo has taken up the call, and while we might be able to find a better candidate, we could have done a hell of a lot worse." The computer speakers crackle as I thunder at him.

"If you say so." He grumbles, the ungrateful metallic dwarf.

"I do say so, now drop it."

"Well what do I have to work with?" Asks Daedalus as he stump's passed the computer monitor, heading for the stairs.

"Not that much, I'm afraid." Theo says, a little abashed.

I abandon the computer monitor as Theo turns and follows Daedalus down the stairs. When Daedalus reaches the bottom of the stairs, he starts to scan everything, taking stock of everything in the garage. He let's out a mechanical sigh of discontent. He stumps up to the nearest workbench, and starts tossing things over his shoulder just to be an ass. As he's doing this, he's muttering to himself quietly. Great, and in five, four, three, two, one.

"How am I supposed to work with this garbage? Any third rate powered villain will be able tear him apart with what I can make with this junk." He yells, throwing his arms into the air.

"Theo, please put your hand on the stereo for me?" I ask him using our ear mic. He walks over to the stereo and puts his hand on it.

"I know that, you walking trash can. Don't you think I've been looking for a way to get you what you need to do your work? It is one of the reason's I haven't told Theo to activate you until now, you ungrateful little gremlin." Daedalus looks down at the floor.

"I'm not a walking trash can." He says sullenly.

"And I'm not a worthless meat bag." Theo says.

"Fine," he grumbles. "So how are we going to get better material's for me to work with?" He prop's his fist's on his hips with a clank of metal on metal.

"The Machinist." Daedalus's cocks his head at us.

"What about that two-bit hack?" Scorn clear in his mechanical scottish brogue.

"Didn't he die during the Last Stand?" Asks Theo.

"Yes he did, but his name is not listed among the dead. How did you know Theo?" I ask curiously.

"In one of the video clips focusing on the fight between The Gladiator and The Dread Knight, you can see him getting a hole blasted through his chest, I'm guessing by the hero Flare, based on what I could see of the blast." Theodore's temperature rises a couple degrees so I know he's blushing.

"Is he right?" Asks Daedalus.

"Yes he is," I say through the stereo speaker. "I'm impressed, Theo." I tell him through the earpiece.

"He might not be a complete waste of time after all, if he can spot that in the middle of a fight." Daedalus say in grudging respect.

"Well, I found one of his facilities in this town, and while, as Daedalus puts it, he might have been a two-bit hack, but his tech material's were top shelf." Daedalus spreads his arms.

"Yeah, I will give him that much."

"So you just need to make what we need to get into his base so I can take it over."

Daedalus turns back to the workbench, his optical sensor once again scanning over the items on the workbench. He rubs his chin as is processors go to work, then his eyes flash a bright blue.

"I can do it."

"Then get to work."

And so it begins. One step closer, but to what?

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