Chapter 2

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Edited by BizarreSmalls

Chapter 2

I stare at the woman on my computer screen. Her face has that ageless quality about it. She could be anywhere from twenty five to forty five, her skin tone is a few shades darker than ivory white, her eyes are silver, edged in cobalt blue. Midnight black shoulder length hair frames her face. She gives me a small perfect smile. I can only see her head and shoulders, but it looks like she is wearing some kind of vest or breast plate.

“Who and what are you?” I was hoping to sound confident. It came out as a sputter.

“My name is Athena as I said. As to what I am, I'm an A.I., or artificial intelligence.” Her voice has a musical quality to it, even coming out of my crappy computer speakers.

“You want me to believe that you are an A.I., and not just some woman who's hacked my computer?” She raises her eyebrow at me.


“Where did you come from? Are you transmitting from a computer somewhere?” She sighs in annoyance.

“Yes, I'm transmitting from the device that was implanted into the back of your neck and that's where I come from. The professor created me.”

Oh boy, how could she know about that? The only other person who knows about that was the old man, and he's dead. So that only leaves me with she's telling the truth. I know she can tell I've figured it out cause she nods her head. Oh crap can she read my mind as well? I can feel sweat break out on my forehead.

“Relax Theo. I can't read your mind, if that's what you’re thinking, but I can read your vitals which can give me clues.” I let out a breath.

“How can you hear me when I speak?”

“I have created transmitter receivers in both your ears. So what you hear, I hear, and I can speak to you without relying on any sort of ear piece.” I furrow my eyebrows.

“What do you mean you built transmitter receivers in both my ears?”

“I used the nanites that I've been making to build them in your ear canals. And before your ask. The nanites are what is going to help you fight, if that's what you choose to do.”

“If that's what they're supposed to do than why am I still just me?” She chuckles and shakes her head.

“Theo, nanites are machines, not super powers. They are limited to what they have to work with. They can only boost what is already there.” I stare at her. I don't even see the computer monitor anymore just her.

“So let me see if I got this straight. The stronger and faster I am. The faster and stronger the nanites can make me.”

“That is correct. Then Daedalus can make you armor and weapons that will make you even stronger.”

“But all the armor, weapons, and nanites mean nothing if I'm a useless lump who can't fight.” I can hear the disgust in my own voice.

“Theo, the professor told me something when I asked him how someone becomes a hero. He said there’s some luck into becoming a hero. Some are made into heroes, and others are heroes just because they do what is right. Because to them, there is no other choice. You could have ran away with everyone else. All common sense dictated that you should have, but you didn't. You stayed and ran up to a machine that could have blown up at any time to try and help someone you didn't even know. No powers, nothing. Just your “lump self,” as you put it. Did you even think to do any thing else?” I think back on that moment.

“Maybe for like half a second before I started running for the crash.”

“And that is what the professor saw in you, Theo. You are one of those just are's. Your heart's in the right place, now we just need to get the rest of you there too. Do you think you can do that?”

“Yes, I think I can.” I truly believe I can get there it's just going to suck getting there.

“All right then, get some sleep Theo. You’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

Ya tomorrow the work begins.

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