The Curse

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Enchanted Forest
5 days ago

When they returned to the castle, Henry immediately told the others about what had happened.
Camille put a hand over her stomach as if to protect her unborn child.
Everyone started speaking at once, asking questions about the masked figure.
When everyone was quiet, David said he would go out and search for the person. Henry volunteered to go with as did Killian. Neal wanted to go too, and David agreed. Neal was good with a sword, even if he hadn't needed to fight before.
"Be careful." Camille said as she kissed her husband.

They searched for hours and covered a lot of ground, but they didn't find anyone.
It would soon be dark, so they decided to head back to the castle. Whoever it was, they were gone.
They didn't see the figure watching them from behind the trees.

The kids were told not to leave the castle without supervision. Hope wasn't too happy about this. She didn't see why she had to have supervision just to step outside.

The days passed, and they didn't see the masked figure again. They were beginning to think that whoever it was wouldn't be coming back. But when were they ever that lucky.

Before they knew it, Hopes birthday was here. Tonight, they would be holding a ball.
Hope sighed as she stood in front of her mirror. She was wearing a long, sparkly dark blue dress that matched her eyes. Her hair was pinned up and she had on light makeup. Hope hated that she had to wear the dress and the makeup. If it were up to her she wouldn't even be having a birthday ball. But her grandmother had insisted.
It wasn't Hopes first ball. She had been to many of them. But every time she felt like she would rather be anywhere else.

"You look beautiful."
Hope turned to see her mom standing there. She was wearing a red dress, much like the one she had worn when her and Killian went back in time.

"I feel weird." Hope said.

Emma smiled. "Me too, ladybug. We've been here 10 years now and I'm still not used to this. I don't think I ever will be. But it's only one night. You can change as soon as the ball is over."

Snow walked into the room wearing a purple ball gown.
"Look at you two. You're so beautiful. At times like this I wish we had cameras like back in Storybrooke."

Hope wrinkled her nose. "At times like this I'm glad we don't."
Emma tried to cover her laugh and it turned into a cough.

They made their way down the many flights of stairs. Leia was wearing a turquoise colored dress, her hair in a beautiful braid.
Alice stood next to her, wearing a poofy pink dress, her hair was curled and was being held in place by a clip.

David walked into the room and smiled. "Well, don't my ladies look beautiful today. Wouldn't you say so Liam?"

Liam shrugged. "Sure, I guess."

Neal elbowed him in the ribs. "Don't be rude." He hissed

"Owe. I wasn't being rude. I didn't say no."

Henry walked into the room, arm in arm with Camille who was wearing a light blue dress. Her brown hair was pinned up.
Emma smiled at her daughter in law.
"You look beautiful."
Camille smiled.
"Thank you. You do too!"

Everyone except Hope walked into the room where the balls took place. It was the largest room in the castle. Hope stood back, waiting to be presented.
Everyone would be there.

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