Chapter 18

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I do not own Alice in Boarderland

Asami sat with her back pressed against Kuina's, a sour look plastered on her face. She was angry and sad and annoyed and confused.

If the face cards were just showing up now, why had she gotten one so early on? When had her brother gotten to this world and why was he killed? How had he become a dealer in the first place?

Now here Asami was, pissed the fuck off with thousands of questions running through her head. And to make matters worse, Asami, Chishiya, Kuina, Arisu, and Usagi had been waiting in the middle of Shibuya crossing for a full hour. They were waiting for the next game to start, but nothing was happening.

"None of the games have started yet." Arisu furrowed his eyebrows as he looked around at the large, metal blimps that floated above them.

"Way to state the obvious." Asami scoffed under her breath, harshly glaring at the ground.

Chishiya glanced at his girlfriend, and pursed his lips in confusion. He had noticed her bad mood fairly early on, but she wouldn't tell him anything. Her mood just randomly shifted at some point.

Usagi frowned as the wind gently blew her short hair back. "Maybe we still have time?"

"Or they forgot to push the big red start button." Chishiya hummed, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his sweatpants.

"They didn't even tell us about the rules for this one." Kuina groaned lazily, leaning her head back to rest on Asami's shoulder.

"Maybe there aren't any." Asami sighed, gripping the edge of the white hoodie she was wearing. Chishiya had given it to her before they set out for the subway station.

A quiet breeze circled around the group as a soft, muffled groan came from far away. Asam furrowed her eyebrows in confusion as she looked around. Her eyes soon found Usagi, who seemed to have heard what she had. Asami visibly cringed as she looked away from the girl. She felt absolutely horrible about what she had done at The Beach.

"You hear it too?" Asami asked, looking down as she stood up.

Usagi nodded, her lips parted as she looked around for the source of the sound. Kuina tilted her head to the side, almost falling backwards when she found that Asami had stood up. "Uh, hear what? What is it?"

Asami stepped closer to Chishiya as Usagi walked towards the sound. "I hear something." She stared off into the distance while everyone else gathered behind her.

Chishiya narrowed his eyes at the sound. He discreetly took Asami's hand and pushed it into his pocket. He felt a bit calmer knowing that she was close to him.

After a few seconds, a group of cars drove up the group, screeching to a halt in front of them. Kuina stared at them with wide eyes as she turned to Usagi. "They're alive. Beach people."

Arisu stepped forwards as Usagi frowned. It had been an hour since the next stage was announced. Why were they here now? How were this many people even alive? The Beach people started getting out of their cars, frantically walking toward the middle of the crosswalk as Arisu blinked, looking around. "What is this? What are you doing here?" He asked hesitantly.

A man spoke up, pointing to the large blimps in the sky. "We saw the blimps show up."

"There are rumors that the next stage is starting. Is it true?" A woman spoke up, glancing around nervously.

Arisu looked back at Usagi and gulped. "Right. . . Here's the thing-"

He was quickly cut off by a large gun firing, hitting one of the men from the Beach smack dab in the middle of his head. Asami watched with wide eyes as the man's body was thrown backwards from the force of the bullet.

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