Chapter two: Knock knock, Im sorry, Do you wanna talk?

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POV I THINK: Kinda third person but following cosmic (A/N:also some angstish fluffish stuff)


The librarian nodded "Hes over there in the fantasy section, you might wanna check in on him, his voice sounds like hes been crying"
Cosmic nodded and went towards prideful
"Hey my darling are you-" Cosmic said
Prideful jumped back "im fine.."
"Poor prideful.."he thought to himself, he heard pridefuls thoughts run in his head
"SHIT! SHIT! SHIT! DOES HE KNOW?! HOW DOES HE KNOW?! Calm down, it will be fine.." Pridefuls thoughts rushed
(context: cosmic can readmind due to being part mindreader nightwing) he'd place his paw onto prideful's, cosmic kept his voice calm, to comfort prideful
"Are you sure, you always come to the library when your upset, do you wanna talk? Do you wanna go somewhere else?"
Prideful hugged cosmic, he didnt say anything, "im fine.." he quietly cried
Cosmic hugged him back, and smiled
Prideful stopped hugging him, "we should probably head home, do you wanna stay at my house tonight?" He whipped his tears
"Alright, just remember i love you" he smiled at prideful, "so when should i be there, 8 pm? 9 pm or do we just go now"
Prideful nodded then said "We can just go to you and creative's house, so when you can get your stuff"
Cosmic grabbed prideful's paw and helped him up, they walked to LT(Lavender Tea)
"Bye Lavender!" They both said
"Bye guys!" Lavender responded, she was happy that prideful was happy again
"Its great prideful is better again, i wonder, how do cosmic and creative do that? Prideful usually doesn't even like to be touched especially when hes bothered" Lavender thought
Cosmic chuckled
The door swang open
Cosmic lead prideful out, looking at the town square's stores (does anyone else have a town square? Is that just a texan thing?)"Its so pretty!" Prideful happily said
"I agree, we should go on a date here sometime" cosmic chuckled, they went back home, with cosmic holding his hand

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