Acting Weird-Chapter 25

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Cindy's pov

I was at home relaxing until it was time for me to go to work. I was texting Jazmine and I told her the whole situation.

Jazmine: [Oh my godddd, it was so unexpected.]

Cindy: [Ikr! And now I feel bad because I cheated on Jordan.]

Jazmine: [Girlllll, fuck that boy. He ain't shit anyways, he cheated on you before you let Riley lick you up.]

Cindy: [Jazmineee! Don't bring that up I wanna forget about it.]

Jazmine: [So, how was it?]

Cindy: [It was I couldn't get anytime of treatment like that from anyone else.]

Jazmine: [Well, I'm not surprised Huey and Riley are kinda the same when it comes to sex.]

Cindy: [You had sex with Riley before?]

Jazmine: [No, of course not. I'm just saying sometimes siblings can have the same skills.]

Cindy: [Well, yeah that's kinda true.]

Jazmine: [I'm jealous tho! Huey never licked me up before.]

Cindy: [Oop, why?]

Jazmine: [I don't know. Maybe because it's not a vegetable.]

Cindy: [Ma'ammmmmm LMAO.]

Jazmine: [You should come over next Friday, Mr Freeman is having a cookout at his house.]

Cindy: [Who is that?]

Jazmine: [Riley's and Huey's grandad.]

Cindy: [Oh! I never met him. Sure I'll come by next Friday.]

Jazmine: [Right now he's on a vacation so he'll be back Thursday, and Friday is when we having a party for him.]

Cindy: [Ooo, okay. Yeah I think I'm free Friday. I gotta go I gotta go to work see ya.]

Jazmine: [Okay!]

I got up and grab everything I needed and left the house. I went to work, clock in and started taking orders. As time was going by I was getting tired but I had to last one more I almost done.

McKenzie: Hey, Cindy you can go home.

Cindy: But I just got one more hour left.

McKenzie: I know, but you been working hard. You can go home, baby.

Cindy: Aw, okay thank you I appreciate.

McKenzie: Good night.

Cindy: Night.

I clocked out and headed out the door, getting into my car. Damn I'm hungry I don't know what I'm gonna eat. Should've got something in there but a bitch is on a budget right now when it comes to buying food. I started my car and heard my phone ring so I answered it.

Jordan: Hey.

Cindy: .....Hey

Jordan: Whatcha been up to?

Cindy: Nothing much I just got off of work and...uhm about to go get something to eat.

Jordan: Why you sound like you got something on your mind.

Cindy: I don't it just you called me out of nowhere so I thought something...came up.

Jordan: Damn, I can't call my girlfriend?

Cindy: Jordan, any other time you don't so.

Jordan: Then why don't you called me?

Cindy: I just been busy.

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