Chapter 2 [Fixed]

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Inside the dimly lit shed, two teenagers found themselves huddled together, brought together by chance, and soon to be bound by an unlikely friendship. Our main character, Denji, was a lonely and a pushover soul, while Gojo, with her extroverted, sweet-loving nature, seemed to be from another world entirely. Yet, the shed had become the cocoon of their budding connection.

"Waahh! Really, you haven't tasted mochi yet? What about strawberry shortcakes? What about the candies and teas you haven't tasted yet?" Gojo's eyes sparkled with genuine curiosity as she overwhelmed Denji with questions about the sweet treats she adored.

Denji, his shyness showing, replied softly, "What are mochi and those foods you mentioned? I only have bread if you're hungry...sorry."

Gojo's enthusiasm was infectious, and she sat up so quickly that she nearly toppled over. At that moment, she made a silent vow to herself. "Denji! From this day on, my friend, you cannot say no to me! I'll introduce you to every sweet and delicious thing from around the world, and I'll take care of you from now on!" Gojo's words were filled with a warmth that melted Denji's reservations.

"Tha-thank you, Gojo, an—," Denji started to express his gratitude but was swiftly interrupted.

"Call me [y/n] from now on...since we're friends!" Gojo declared loudly

Denji's heart soared as he realized that he wasn't going to be alone anymore. Yet, one nagging question lingered. "Oh yeah, what are sorcerers that you said you were earlier?"

Gojo leaned in, her tone now more serious. "Sorcerers are people who remove curses. And curses are creatures that humans cannot see without direct contact. To combat curses, you need a unique power called curse energy, something most humans lack. So, I'd advise you not to share what I've told you. It could cause chaos if people knew about the existence of curses, or worse, they might start blaming sudden deaths on curses. So, do me a favor and keep it our little secret, okay~?" She concluded with a teasing grin.

Denji nodded, understanding the gravity of the situation. He felt a deep sense of happiness and he didn't want to jeopardize their newfound friendship.

"Then who are you, [y/n]? How did you come in contact with the curses? Do you have a way to protect yourself?" Denji asked, genuinely concerned for his new friend's safety.

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