Chapter 5 [Fixed]

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In the cozy kitchen, morning sunlight streamed through the curtains, casting a warm glow over the room. Denji, always one to savor his morning routine, was enthusiastically preparing his breakfast.

"Strawberry jam, plum jam, orange jam, with... butter and honey, and..." he mused aloud, his eyes scanning the array of condiments on the table.

Gojo, who had just entered the kitchen, chimed in, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "I'll add some cinnamon too."

With a grin, Denji nodded in agreement. "'S gotta be the best damn piece of bread ever!"

Proudly, Denji showed off his meticulously constructed piece of toast, piled high with a medley of ingredients, to Gojo.

Gojo chuckled, her eyes twinkling with amusement. "Be careful, Denji. You might upset your stomach."

Unbeknownst to Denji, Gojo had a mischievous glint in her eye as she discreetly added a suspicious ingredient to his toast. However, Denji, who saw the whole thing, decided to play along.

"Mmm!!" Denji exclaimed as he took a big, confident bite of the toast, while Gojo sipped on her milk and indulged in a slice of cake, an unusual but delightful breakfast choice.

From the corner of her eye, Gojo noticed Aki staring at the table, seemingly concerned about the impending breakfast chaos.

"Don't worry, Aki-chan," Gojo reassured, waving a hand dismissively. "I'll clean up Denji's mess." nah, I won't do shit

Aki's expression softened, reassured by Gojo's willingness to take on the cleanup duties, even if it was a promise that might go unfulfilled.

However, just as Denji was about to dive into his second enthusiastic bite, a sudden fit of coughing overcame him. He gasped, clutching his throat and managing to croak out, "[Y-Y/n], what did you put?!"

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