Along came a child

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Y/N's POV:
It was a usual day for me. I was abandoned by my family about 3 years ago and honestly at this point I wished I was dead. However this is when I learnt to be careful what you wish for. I was walking back to the shelter I was staying at not paying attention to my surroundings and walk into a pot hole falling before everything went dark. I then went into the light noticing I no longer had my body and was confused before seeing a woman with blonde hair.

Goddess: Hello there child.

Y/N: What happened to me and where's my body?

I ask starting to panic abit.

Goddess: Unfortunately you died falling into a pothole not to mention you had a pretty sad life before hand. Having to deal with all of that at age 7 is just horrible.

Y/N: What's gonna happen to me?

I ask her nervously.

Goddess: I often take pity on those with sad incomplete lives so I'm going to reincarnate you into another world in a new body, a slower aging body that will take over a few centuries before you start looking old, lastly I have enhanced your reflexes speed and strength so you can defend yourself.

She said as I was sent off into another world and land in a forest like area which was a huge change for me since I grew up in a big city. I found a river and see if I looked any different and saw my new look I was given.  I looked a little different than how I use to in my old world but nothing too drastic luckily.

Y/N: Honestly I look pretty good.

I said to myself as my stomach growls abit. I noticed an apple tree near by and started climbing wanting an apple but when I did get up there I was too scared to come back down being scared of heights. I then noticed someone and tried to get their attention. She had red hair and black horns, wearing what looks like a red and white maid outfit.

Laika's POV:
I was walking back home to lady Azusa when I saw something stuck in a tree. I walk closer and notice it was a child and felt bad for him. I then get up there and tried to get as close as I could to him but saw he was afraid.

Laika: It's ok you can trust me.

I said in a gentle tone as he eventually got close enough for me to grab him and get him down from the tree but even after I got him down he wouldn't let go.

Laika: You can let go now we are down.

I said as he lets go but starts following me home.

Laika: Are you lost?

Y/N: Actually........I'm homeless.

As soon as he said that I felt bad for him and figured Azusa might have a solution and let him follow me home. We eventually got back to where Azusa and I lived at and walk in.

Laika: Azusa, can you come here? I got a visitor.

She then walked in wondering who my guest was.

Y/N's POV:
Azusa: Hey Laika, who's your little friend here?

She asked as I nervously look at her form behind Laika.

Y/N: I'm Y/N.

I said looking at the lady who smiles at me.

Azusa: Well then, how would you like to stay here then? We have plenty of room.

I look in shock and disbelief that they would actually want some random kid to be apart of their family as Laika knelt down to my level.

Laika: Of course we don't mind and besides not only would you have a place to stay but also two girls around your age to keep you company. I even want to be the one to look after you, if that's alright.

I instantly nod and hugged her tightly feeling safe now that I'm with her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15 ⏰

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