Chapter 9: Ashley

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I went inside the restaurant with Jacob and he checked our reservation name and they got us a table.  We both sat down and ordered a drink.  "So, how's that boyfriend of yours." I looked up.  "He's not my boyfriend anymore, he cheated on me." He frowned.  "I'm sorry to hear about that." "Oh don't be, I don't need him." He's a real idiot for cheating on someone like you." I smiled at Jacob.  "So, why did you bring me here."  "Well, if you already don't know, I've had a crush on you since high school and wanted to see you." I smiled.  "Well I'm here and could use a little excitement in my life right now." I finished my martini and set the glass on the table.  "Why don't you come with me to my private beach home, just you and me." He rubbed my arm, and I smiled.  "That would actually be great."
We walked out of the restaurant and got into his electric car.  He drove through the town of Beverly Hills past all the big shops and businesses and pulled into a gated community by the shore.  We drove up a small hill up to his house.  It was a gray house with a bunch of windows but had an excellent view of the ocean.  He opened the door for me.  "Welcome to my home." I smiled and said, "it's so pretty here, thank you so much for bringing me here, I needed a break." We walked inside to see a big window and outside was a gorgeous view of the ocean.  "So what do you think." Iooked at him.  "It's so lovely." He took my purse and sat it down on the counter and it was starting to get dark, so we chilled for the rest of the night.  We sat on the couch in front of the TV and he opened a bottle of very tasteful Chardonnay.  "So, why didn't you just give him a second chance." "Because, I'm not gonna live with a guy who I know has cheated on me, hell no." He took a sip of his wine and set it down on the table.  "You deserve better." I looked at him.  "Maybe, someone like you." He ran his fingers through my hair then work his fingers down to my chest.  He started unbuttoning my blouse and started kissing me.  I took his pants and unlatched his belt then pulled his pants off.  He started kissing me from the neck down as I ran my fingers through his hair, this was payback to Colton who I was no longer with, I really liked Jacob and wanted to be with him.  It got darker and I kept kissing him and falling for him completely.
The next morning I woke up to see myself in bed with Jacob and me naked.  I knew I did a wrong for Colton because Colton still loved me but I needed to move on with my life and I couldn't spend all this time worrying about him.  I pulled on an oversized sweater and jean shorts then head out the door to go meet Tiffany.  I drove my way down the hill and out of the neighborhood and into town at this cute little eatery that was new and I met with Tiffany because she was one of my closest friends.  "So what are you doing with your life?" I didn't want to lie to her.  "I'm living with Jacob." She looked shocked.  "What, Jacob, wait, did u guys fuck?" I gave a guilty look.  "Oh my God you did." "But look, I don't think this is gonna work at all, so I think I'm gonna go away back to my house, I'm better off there alone with no men."
Me and Tiffany finished eating and while she was paying I called Jacob.
"Hey what's going on." I sighed.  "Look Jacob, I thought about it a lot and I don't think this relationship is gonna work, I'm really sorry." I hung up the call and walked out with Tiffany.  I drove myself home to my house and changed into an old T-shirt and shorts.  I didn't care how I looked anymore, I felt hurt by Colton and used by Jacob.  My relationship success was at a low.
I made some tea and nestled up on my couch to watch TV.  I never used to watch TV because I would always be with Colton or doing something with friends so I didn't spend that much time watching TV but now, I had a free reign and it felt good.

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