Chapter 14: Colton.

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We all arrived at home very drunk and all knocked out in our rooms.  Me and Ashley went to our room.  Ashley was packing up her clothes to get ready to go home tomorrow.  "I'm sad we're leaving, this was very fun." I nodded back at her.  "That's for sure." She went into the closet and put on a lacey silk black nightgown and brushed her hair.  I walked over to her and wrapped my arms around her from behind.  She put her hands over mine and I kissed her shoulder.  She walked out of the bathroom and slid into bed.  I pulled my shirt off and laid right next to her and rested my head on her chest.  She kissed my forehead and leaned in closer.  "I have an idea." Since nobody was awake, we snuck out to the pool.  I threw off my clothes and jumped in.  She stood there and smiled.  She took the straps off and rolled it down my eyes following her body movement.  She took her underwear which was the last piece of clothing she had on and slid it off and threw it in the air.  She jumped in and swam over to me.  She put her hands on my shoulders and we looked deep into each other's eyes.  She leaned in and kissed me with the water dripping off of our faces.  She wrapped her legs around me and whispered under her breath, "I love you." I smiled and kissed her even more.  We swam underwater and were chasing each other around the pool and laughing and playing. 
We went down to the beach in the dead of night and sat and watched the waves crash in the middle of the ocean.  She had her head leaning on my shoulder and we had a beach towel wrapped around us.  "Ash, I can't even imagine my life without you, you make me so happy you don't even know." I grinned.  "You make me happy too Colton." I rubbed my hands up and down her back and we both fell asleep with the sounds of ocean waves crashing in the night.  
The next morning Ashley woke up early to get her stuff ready and I woke to the sounds of suitcases rolling in the hallway.  I sat up and rubbed my face with the sunlight shining in my eyes.  "Colton come on, get up, we need to get going." I stood up and stretched my arms and head into the bathroom to see that Ashley had packed my stuff for me.  "Babe, where the fuck did all my clothes go." She turned around a glanced at me.  "In your suitcase, get an outfit out of your suitcase." I rolled my eyes and opened my suitcase while Ashley took some bags out to the truck.  I threw on a graphic tee and basketball shorts with some slides.  I took my bag and threw it in the bed of my truck.  Ashley was inside giving everyone hugs before we left.  "I'm gonna really miss you guys, these were the best two weeks I've ever had." We all did a group hug and took one last selfie together.  Ashley and I hopped into my truck and pulled out of the driveway to head back home.  We drove through the city and back home to Palm Springs.  We pulled into the driveway and took our suitcases inside.  I sighed and looked over at Ashley.  "Finally, we are alone." She grabbed my face and kissed me and I grabbed her left thigh as she wrapped it around me.  I picked her up and plopped her down on the couch.  She rolled over on top of me and pulled her top off of her head then started kissing my chest and went down to my pants to pull them off.  I rubbed my hands across her breasts as she pulled me in closer.  "Ashley, sit up for a sec." She sat up and looked at me.  "Look, I have this house in lake I used to visit ever since I was child and I want to take you there this weekend." She smiled.  "Of course, that would be so fun because I mean we haven't done anything with just us in a while." I smiled and rolled over on top of her.
Later that evening I was sitting in the backyard on a patio chair sipping my wine when I heard the door open I saw that Ashley came out in her robe and came and sat down next to me.  She poured herself a glass of wine the laid back and leaned on me.  She took a sip of her wine.  "Look Ash, I know that you were with Jacob, did anything happen?" She sat up and looked at me.  "Colton, nothing happened between us." "Why are you always lying to me about this shit, Tiff said that you went to his house with him, something must have happened." She stood up.  "If anything did happen, it's over now and is in the past." "So something did happen is what your trying to tell me."  "Colton, we had sex once, ok, I left after that." I slammed my wine glass down on the table and ran inside, grabbed my keys and got in my car.  I drove away hoping that Ashley wouldn't chase after me.  I slammed my hands down on the steering wheel.  "Fuck!" I drove all the way to the bar in the city and stayed there until I couldn't feel anything.  I looked at my phone seeing that there were five missed calls from Ashley, I honestly didn't care anymore.

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