Rare & Unknown

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I feel like people need to talk about sicknesses so much more than they do. Like, there are so many rare illnesses out there that most people don't even know about. But then when someone says they have it, everyone assumes it's fake or not that serious. 

Like even if it is extremely serious and they could have serious side effects from it, someone would assume they were insane or lying about it being that serious. 

Or when someone is talking about how much they're struggling with stuff from that illness, people will not know why they are struggling that bad. They will have no idea what that person is going through or have no idea how hard it is making their day to day lives. 

Like before someone could even notice, even the simple things could get even harder. Getting out of bed takes all of your energy away, and you don't have the willpower to act how you normally do. So they assume that you are just being rude or 'woke up on the wrong side of the bed'. But in all actuality, you wish you didn't have to wake up at all. Because it just hurt so bad. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2023 ⏰

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