The Lost

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Cale who is 19 was wandering after he was beaten up and Bassen almost dying at the Plaza event.

He didn't want to stay in one place because he knew if he wasn't beaten he would have gone to the plaza instead.

He didn't want to really be near people either.Considering the only person he felt like he could trust left along with his son to follow the punk who beat him up.

Days Past and Cale wandered no knights looked for him and no person acknowledged his existence.

Cale was Lost heh Funny lost in his own city.
Cale sees faces.
But Later the are emotionless and Soon after
Cale can't even tell if the other people? Have a face

Cale just drinks.
And drinks
And Drinks
And Drinks

Why come to a home that is no longer his home.

It hasn't been his home for awhile now actually.

But No matter how much he drinks he can never hide
That just inside
Is a child
That is Lost

Cale starts to wander
He closes his eyes and opens them

It seems his body moved on its own

To his home
To his happiness
To his mother
To her grave

Cale greets his mother
He then sits by her grave
To ashamed to say more
For who could love such a Lost Son
Did she know her son would be so lost

Cale Drunk lost and tired fell asleep.


My Poor child
You Will Be Lost in the future

"What do you mean Mama?"

Nothing dear just know as sure as you will be lost you will also be found

"Why would I be lost? When you can guide Mama?"

Mama just smiles
You will see my son


Oh I never seen such an interesting and pitiful human

Cale felt cold
Like what his mother temperature was when she died

You went through so much my dear lost child
They put you through so much
Rest for you will soon be found

With that Cale fell into a deep sleep
A sleep he hasn't had for a long time

*sigh* My poor children
You both have been through so much.
I...I hope you the lost one can guide the broken one and That the Broken one can guide you the lost one

My Poor dear children

Cale asleep can hear voices two voices

A Male
The voice of his mother

He does not know the Male voice
But He feels safe

And as he listens he feels as though he will be found

Rest Well My Children
For You will soon break from your restrains
You will find you peace as a Thames
Lest Evil take reigns.


Quotes of the Day

1."Now I have to remember you for longer than I've known you"

2."Grief is the Price we pay for love"
-Queen Elizabeth ||

3."I will not say Do Not weep
For not all tears are evil"
-J.R.R Tolkien

4. "Her Absence is like the sky,spread over everything
-C.S Lewis

(The last one fits really well with OG.Cale and His mother with her death

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