The Broken

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Kim Rok Soo was Broken
He hadn't all been broken
When his parents died he felt empty but not broken
Then his uncle came
He slowly became broken because of him.

(I forget when or of he went to an orphanage(I have read a lot of fanfics-)

But Kim Rok Soo survived he had to.

He was broken but he still had his uses..besides he hates pain.

Then the Apocalypse started
He was trapped. But he still must survive. He has to survive. He had no reason to though.

But he did survive no he was saved.

He was still broken.

But the Apocalypse helped
distract him

Heck it helped filled the void with his what they call themselves his hyungs.

They filled the void

But Rok Soo knew he was Broken still

No matter how much his void was filled

He still couldn't stop hearing his uncles voice

He still couldn't stop seeing his parents dead body
Everytime he passed down a broken car in the street

Kim Rok Soo guesses thats why his team died.

He was holding a car door.
All he could think was his mom holding onto it to open it to get him out

That was why They all died

Kim Rok Soo knew he was wrong. He knew the monster was to strong.

The people called him cold
And heartless

But Kim Rok Soo wasn't either

He was broken

He was living a broken life
For that was all he could do

He started to read

He always liked to read
It was like a world where he was not in it

A world that a broken man

A child who grew into an adult all to fast.

He was just a child with the mind of an adult

So he kept reading

He knew it didn't help
But their stares They were like his

Kim Rok Soo had two pictures of "his" hyungs

Kim Rok Soo stared at the pictures

Kim Rok Soo have lost all pictures or his parents

But Their faces are ingrained into his mind

He feels empty he feels cold
He feels broken...

He had forgotten he had parents

But the memory of their death helps remind him

That he had parents but he also was the reason he didn't have any now.

Suddenly he feels someone patting his head

He looks around
No one is their

He continues to feel the pat

He slowly falls asleep


Hey put Rok Soo down!

No! Rok Soo likes be on my shoulders right Rok Soo?

'Yey Daddy!'

He is gonna fall!!

'No Mama I won't fall!! I am a superhero'

You are? Wow!!

See Honey are son won't get hurt he's a super hero!

Yeah but our superhero needs a nap


Your Moms right bud

Sleep tight

Kim Rok Soo heres the two voices say as they fade away

He feels himself tear up

But someone wipes it away

My dear poor child
My Broken one

Forgive my sins against you
I shall do my best to make it right. By putting you in your rightful place

My Poor Child

Please let the lost one fix you and please help guide the lost one

Together you will do great things

Together My Children

Sleep tight for tommorow

Comes a new dawn
Your dawn
Your coming
Your finding
Your new lives together

Good luck my children

Kim Rok Soo heard the last sentence in his sleep
And he knew someone else also heard it to and somehow it made him feel just a bit more safer


Quotes of the Day

1."Never ignore a person who loves you,cares for you,misses you,because one day you'll realize that you lost the moon while counting the stars"

2."Death leaves a heartache No one can heal; Love leaves a memory No one can steal
-Headstone in Ireland

3. "When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure"
-Random YT quote

4."The Pain passes,but the beauty remains"
-Henry Matisse

The last one fits Rok Soo
As for me he stopped truly hurting about his parents death
It still affects him
But he still remembers the beauty of his parents
And their care

Also wrote this at 1 am

I am posting it at

Gawd I am tired

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