chapter 1

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"the thesis is becoming a higher rate of being taken down, sir. We need to take more precautions to save your company." A man with light brown hair stated, standing tall while his eyes gave away his thoughts. The long table was filled, every seat taken.

At the far end sat a man in his mid 40's. His body was large, with the muscle mass and slight chub at his age. Wrinkles starting on his face, and a slight greying in his hair and small beard he donned.

The people around the table sat patiently for his answer, he looked bored with his blue eyes dimmed. Even in the light, they looked dull and tired.

Jackson finally heaved a sigh, the chair creaked from his weight. "Do what must be prioritised for the safety of my company, I won't stand for it to be taken away. Get who can do so, and fast. Thank you, you're dismissed."

The clutter of papers and scraping of chairs was heard for a minute, as his employees got up to leave.

Jackson watched with half closed eyes, the door was closed with a soft click as the last person left.

He was sat in the quiet conference room, by himself. He felt peaceful as he sat for a few moments before he got up.

Workers took up the halls as he walked to the elevator, he waited for it to come up the floor he was on, and got on once it was empty. Jackson pressed the 47th floor and the elevator went down.

It stopped and opened to a slightly loud office full of workers, most cubicles taken up, unless they were doing a job or taking papers to others.

Jackson took it all in for a while, he felt calm, knowing everyone of these people loved their job, not because of who he was or the pay, but because the way they worked together and how trusting of each one of them were.

It was a comforting place, there were rooms on each floor dedicated to break time of having a few minutes off to cool off, no one tried to be best.

Jackson's eyes suddenly caught a flurry of blond hair and the beautiful man. He tried tracking them down but lost the person easily. The CEO frowned, brows creasing.

He decided to try and find them another time and left the office. Deciding to retrieve back to his office and have a small drink.


"Hot, hot, hot~" demmy mutters as he holds a burning hot cup of coffee, trying to get to his own cubicle. He almost bumps into another person.

Finally sat in his spinny char, he lets out a sigh, not having to hold his coffee any longer.

"Hey pretty boy~" a young female voice next to him pipes up, he looks next to him to see one of his co-workers, or, his best friend.

She was a tall red head with smouldering freckles that made her face more pretty, pale blue eyes and a star striking body. Her hair was a wavy perception, since she took great care in it, her finger nails always painted a perfect light blue coat that made her white washed body stand out.

"Evvy." Demmy said, it was a Nick name he gave her, her real name was Evelyn. everyone always said how perfectly it suited her. He agreed.

"Demmy.." she said back, in the same tone, a small smile on her face. Demmy gave a fake glare at her, until he broke out in a smile.

"How are you?" She asked him, arm over the short wall between their cubicles. He sighed and stared at her nail polish, that hadn't flared or chipped, yet was there for a few days.

"Good, except burning my hand with the coffee. I swear they've made them hotter each month." Demmy sighed, glaring at the coffee cup.

Evelyn grinned at her friend, before patting his shoulder where it tested on the white wall. "Well, be grateful they haven't been taken away yet. Hmm?"

He understood why she said that, a slight flush on his face. He was the one who probably got the most coffee out of everyone on this floor, the looks he always gets whenever he goes to grab one.

"Don't jinx it." Demmy pointed at his friend, she gave a mocking gasp.

"How dare you? Me? Jinxing stuff? I wouldn't dare!" She said, puffing out her cheeks in a sigh.

Demmy giggled at his friends little dramatics. She rolled her eyes at him playfully giggling slightly herself.

"Guys, stop being so loud!" Someone across from them says, making Demy and Evelyn stare at him. The older male looks out out by their states and Huff's before shooting them a glare.

"Geezer." Evelyn says, making Demmy snort.

Hello all, thank you for reading my new book... You all know how I am with keeping up with them, so idk why I've made a new one. Oh well, 🤷🏻‍♀️... Sorry it's so short. But I'll try to make up for it in the next chapter (if I ever get to it.)

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