Chapter 3

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2018 Mikey
Mikey had concluded at the end of his third day that he was in an alternate universe. Donnie—his Donnie—had talked about them in theory, but they were never practised. Mikey had all the evidence they needed.

The turtle laid in his other version's room late at night, staring at the ceiling. His breathing was slow—he had to force it to be, otherwise he'd panic. He kept his mind set on one train of thought. Dr. Delicate Touch and Dr. Feelings came to chip in sometimes.

Would his phone work?

Mikey sat up. The thought had just popped into his head out of nowhere, but he needed to test it.
He found his phone on his bedside table and turned it on. Ignoring the notifications, he speed-dialled Donnie.


Please, please, please.


It's not going to work, is it?


And there's his voicemail.

"You are conversing with Donatello."

Relief flooded through Mikey like a tidal wave. His heart and brain warmed at the sound of his brother's voice. He let out a long breath.



"Yes, it's me."

A quick few beeps let Mikey know Donnie wanted to video call. So they did.

Donnie was in his lab, told by the purple hue behind him. His eyes were so worried.


"I miss you so much, Donnie," Mikey forced through held-back tears. "God, these turtles are nothing like you bros."

Donnie nodded, "I— I miss you, too. The other Mikey isn't the same"

Mikey laughed slightly.

They talked for roughly ten more minutes before a harsh knock sounded on Mikey's door. Mikey turned the brightness of his phone down all the way and told Donnie to be quiet.


Raph came in, scowling, "Shut up. Some of us are trying to sleep."

He stomped forward and lifted his hand. Mikey caught it before it could hit the back of his head. Raph growled and tugged his arm back. He picked up a mini-figure and went to throw it at Mikey.

"What the Hell, dude?" Mike asked loudly, catching the toy.

"Shut up, Mikey."

Once Raph left, Mikey just stared at the door.

"That's what he was talking about," Donnie mumbled after a few minutes.

Mikey turned and looked at him.

"Other Mikey was talking about how, if you were in his universe, we would need to get you back quick," Donnie explained. "He probably wanted to keep this... abuse secret from us so as to not scare us."

"I won't stand for it," Mikey said determinedly.

When Mikey woke up the next day, he made his way to the kitchen. The three turtles there barely greeted him, which made Mikey all the more ticked off. He had thought about it last night, and these brothers treated this Mikey like they had to bring him along. They constantly implied—or flat-out said—he was stupid.

"I'm fed up," Mikey said, glaring at his 'brothers.'

"You finally ate enough pizza?" Raph suggested lazily.

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