Chapter 8

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Don woke up with a yawn that made his eyes water. He was still cuddled into Raph's side with Michel right beside him. A knot started to build in his chest, so he pulled himself out of the hug. He stretched out his arms and legs before walking to the kitchen for breakfast.


Don looked up and saw Leo at the table, drinking coffee. He just nodded to him. He sat next to him, waiting for Mikey to make something to eat.

"Purple?! Orange?! Blue?! Red?!"

Don's head shot up at the voice. He pushed himself away from the chair and ran to the sound. He collided with his dad, picking him up and hugging him tightly.



His heart twisted at the use of his name. Sure, it might have also been from the physical contact, but he ignored it.

"Where are your brothers?" Splinter asked when he was set down. Don gave April a quick hug.

"In the living room," Don answered. "It seems we are in an alternate universe with alternate versions of ourselves."

Splinter hummed and nodded, "Exactly what Baron thought was happening."

"Did he bring you here?" Don asked.

"Yeah, he said he'd bring us back in three days," April said.

Once everyone was awake and in the living room, Don introduced Splinter and April to Donnie, Raphael, Mikey, and Leo. They seemed quite shocked at the difference between their April and Splinter.

"You're so calm around her!" Mikey said. "You've learned how to control your crush!"

"Mikey!" Donnie yelped.

Don blinked, "Crush?"

"Do you not have a crush on your April?" Raphael asked. "It's all this genius talks about."

"It is not!" Donnie fought.

Don shook his head, "No! She's like a sister!"

"Anyway," April pressed. "Where's your April? I wanna meet her!"

"And your Splinter," Splinter said.

"April is on a field trip with her school for the weekend," Donnie said shyly.

With the sound of wood-on-wood, the dojo opened, "I am right here. Please, won't you join me for some tea?"

Splints nodded. The two rats disappeared into the dojo.

"Baron said he'd bring us back in three days," April said.

Don nodded, "Alright."

Michel then piped up, "Breakfast time!"

The other-turtles were thoroughly impressed by Michel's cooking. Apparently, Mikey couldn't cook for shit. They ordered pizza if they were hungry. Michel offered to teach Mikey, who accepted. They worked around each other in the kitchen, cooking crêps, whipping cream, and cutting fruit. They all talked like they had been friends for years, though the underlying tension was obvious.

Afterwards, they all did their own thing. Don and Donnie hid in the lab, Leon and Raph watched movies, Raphael and Leo sparred, Mikey and Michel cooked. They all stayed somewhat separate all day.

Later that night, Raph couldn't sleep. He sat against the wall, holding himself. His eyes were wide and stared at one crack in the wall. Memories paralyzed him, injecting adrenaline straight into his veins.

He remembered, no, felt the Kraang through his body. He felt the tentacles controlling his body and mind. All he could do was watch as Leon surrendered himself.

And Raph couldn't help but sob at the memory that he would have done it. He would have taken a sharpened appendage and stabbed it through his own brother's plastron until it came out the other side. He would have carelessly tossed his brother onto the ground and left him.

Panic set its course. Raph's chest tightened as images of him killing his brothers flashed through his mind. He looked at his hands only to see them covered in blood. With shaking breaths, Raph gazed up. He almost threw up.

Leon was bleeding from a deep stab wound in his abdomen, holding an unconscious Michel and Don close. Don's softshell was shredded—deep, red marks slashed across him. Michel was barely breathing, just holding onto life. Blood covered his plastron from an unknown source.

Raph had done this.



Raph's breath hitched.

"Get away from us," Leon begged. He hugged his brothers closer.

Tears stung Raph's eyes. His breathing shook. He shook.

"Leo... I'm sorry."

"That's not enough, Raph," Leon said through tears. "You killed Donnie and Mikey's almost dead. I'm not going to make it, either."

Raph couldn't breathe. The air got caught in his throat, coming in rapid succession. The world spun as he clutched his head. He squeezed his eyes shut, tears falling freely.

"I'm sorry!" He sobbed.

Something warm slithered along his hands.

His eyes snapped open and saw a pink, fleshy tentacle. He gripped it and threw it to the side.

Not again.




He wouldn't be forced to hurt again.

"It's me, Leonardo."


"You're safe."

No, he's not.

"The Kraang is gone."

But they're right there.

"We got rid of them."

Raph blinked. They did. The Kraang were in a void now.


Slowly, Raph came to. He took a while to recalibrate to reality. Dried and wet tears soaked his cheeks. His arms stung.

"Are you here now?"

Raph looked up and saw Leon kneeling in front of him. Raph was curled in on himself, almost sinking into his shell. If he was able to, he would have. He would have let the spikes protect him and have his own little sanctuary. Unfortunately, Michel was the only one small enough to pull himself into his shell.

"I'm here," Raph mumbled.

"Where are the Kraang?" Leo asked gently.

"In the void."

"Are your brothers alive?"


"Did you kill me?"


Leo gently set his hands on Raph's hands, "Just breathe, Raph."

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