Chapter 2

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Picture of Anna^^^

School, many words can be used to describe the pain it puts me through. No cut that crap what teenager actually enjoys school, the pain in puts EVERYONE through. Getting out of bed is probably the worst thing I have to endure all day, if I had the choice I would easily stay in my happy place the whole day. Hesitantly I throw myself out of bed, well it was an attempted throw but turned out to be a fall straight onto the cold floor. Definitely not my smartest moment, but who could blame me I was still half asleep?

After showering, throwing on whatever I find in my closet first, I rush down the staircase to drive to hell. My best friend Claire is waiting in front of my house for her daily ride. I smile to myself while i watch her constantly move her fingers against the keyboard of her phone.

She's so engrossed in that thing she barely notices as I barrel myself into her enveloping her in a big bear hug.

She is so oblivious to the world around her sometimes that I can't help but laugh.

She grins up at me returning by action before climbing into the passenger seat.

Claire lives next door to be which is both a blessing and a curse. She knows all of my struggles, which is sometimes annoying because I am so stubborn and when I am right I am right. If anyone dares to tell me otherwise they will most likely land up in the hospital due to my awesome kickass skills, which I proudly admit I learnt from the powerpuff girls. But due to my dismay her advice 9 times out of ten is right. Leaving myself in the battle between the easy way out or putting up a standing fight.

I love living next to her though, the fact that she can jump through the window straight into my bedroom is awesome. It's basically what everyone hopes for except we've actually got it. Only downfall to this is that one wrong slip of the foot and we can quite possibly plummet to our death.

" Somethings interesting on your phone huh? What is it?" I snatch the phone out of her hand and try to see what had her so preoccupied this morning.

"You my darling will never know." she snatches the phone straight back out of my hand. I start up the car knowing that if we don't get a move on we will end up being late.

"Claire, I know you well enough to know that you are flirting with Marcus while imagining all that he could
do to you." I burst out laughing at the expression that wipes across her face. No matter how many times she insists that she hates Marcus and wants to beat him to a pulp I know better than to believe that.

I see the way she practically eye rapes him in class, what she doesn't know is that the whole class notices her. I notice more than others, I see the way she smiles when he tousles up his dirty blonde hair. She's whipped and refuses to admit it. I think she's delusional though to give one second of her attention to that asswipe who just happened to completely destroy the kitchen last night. I was up until 3 scrubbing the egg away. But I can't deny from the way her eyes rake over his toned stomach and his bulging arms that she definitely has a thing for him.

We pull up to school and the only thought running through my head is shit shit shit. New school year means new classes. The possibility of being in Harry's class is the only semi exciting part of being back at this hellhole. Why I want to be in his class, I warn myself. That stupid banana is is nothing but bad news. This year I need to focus on my studies and ballet, there is no time for a boy to fit into that equation. Especially when he is the hot tempered bad boy of the school.

Breaking out of my rant i slowly make my way over to Homeroom where we find out our new timetables. Navigating my way through the maze of brick walls and the dozens of staircases this school houses is a job in itself and if I don't hurry I'll end up with a detention the first day back. Sometimes I freak out, feeling as if I was at hogwarts. my imagination leaving me to incredible situations that could arise. I could possibly find a hoarcrox here. Sometimes I expect Hagrid to come running through the doors of my maths class screaming out for Ron, Harry and Hermione. Or even for professor snaps to step out of the shadows and torture every student until they finally give up.

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