Chapter 1.

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        Lanterns provided a dim lighting, for the cobble stone road beneath my feet. Shadows danced in the dark, they seemed to laugh and taunt me like they knew my greatest secrets and mysteries. My hands trembled, the breath exhaling from my mouth was ragged and uneven, my blue green eyes peered into the warm lighting of the bakery in front of me. I stared into the window of Miss Daily's Baked Goods, my mouth watering in anticipation. My hands quickly picked the window lock with a small, worn out screw driver, the window popped open with ease and my skinny frame crawled into the warm shop. I snatched two loaves of bread, enough to be noticeable but at the same time not, and started to make my way back out the window.
          Suddenly, foot steps sounded throughout, the small thump, thump, thump's grew louder and louder until they stopped. My head snapped up, and my long slender fingers gripped onto the fresh loaves of bread. A head appeared in the doorway, I recognized it as the shop owner, Miss Daily her eyes narrowed like the chances of me actually getting out of here unscathed. A loud bang could be heard in the opposite direction, making her scurry off to whatever had disrupted the cruel silence of the night. A sigh of relief escaped my lips as I made my way out of the window and onto the darkened streets.

         The door to the small one room shack of sorts, that I called home, opened with a nudge from my shoulder and protested with a creak. Several candles lit up the room, causing shadows to dance, like a great ball from some mysterious land was being held. In the corner of the room was a small bed, which held a lump that happens to be my sister swaddled in an abundance of blankets. I made my way over to my precious younger sister, Penny, she sat on the bed reading an old book in the dim light. "Pen I got you something to eat," her head snapped towards me and she smiled. She reached for one of the two small loaves, but frowned when I gave her both. "But Oli what about yours?" Penny's weak child like voice floated through the air and I threw her one of my signature 'look i got you food now eat' smiles. " Oliver Hatsway, you need to eat too," Penny attempted to sternly scold me but it made her sound even more adorable. I replied by rolling my eyes and shrugging at her, a frown graced penny's lips but she ate anyways.

. . . . . . .

      The clinking of cups and rowdy men who had too much to drink could be heard. These sounds belonged to the only, well only successful, pub in Comisc, The Old Maiden. I sat at the edge of the bar, the mass of chocolate brown hair on my head shielded most of my face from meddling drunk men. My hands grasped a small clay cup full of a murky brown liquid that I would rather not consume so I left it alone.

       As I sat at the darkest most secluded part of the bar, something seemed to stir even the shadiest characters around me. Standing in the front of the room was a man in a large gray cloak with matching pants and a very noticeable, very large sword hung from his hip. Several men were with him, they were all huge and could if, provoked squash me like an ant. After I was done staring at his massive and probably very lethal sword, is when I noticed the piece of parchment he grasped firmly in his hand. On it was the picture of, a boy, but not any boy, it was me. The kid on the picture had my hair my eyes and even the scar that slashed through my right eye, in which I achieved when fighting a man on the street. Even a portion of the left ear was missing just like mine, the painting was in color, meaning it was important and in big bold letters at the top it stated 'Wanted.'


Hey there so this is a story for my creative writing class that I decided to put on here, sorry its so short more and longer chapters will be coming soon

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2015 ⏰

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