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"How have you even memorised the way? It's a maze through here."

"Stop shouting, Chenle."

"Both of you be quiet! It's a damn hospital."

Renjun tries not to regret bringing Chenle and Jaemin with him to visit Mark once the short holidays ended. Mark had requested to see his friends with the wide, puppy-dog eyes that are exact replicas of the emoji he loves, and an adorable pout that makes Renjun and the nurses give in. Jungwoo and Jaehyun came the previous day with an oversized cheetah toy and a portable speaker for some ambiance, and Mark has the cheetah tucked onto his lap, chin resting on its furry head, when Renjun arrives.

Mark's eyes light up and his frown immediately smooths out. "Hi!" When he sees Chenle and Jaemin too, he greets them with enthusiasm and Renjun pouts at the favouritism until he's pulled into a crushing hug that settles his heart.

Jaemin and Chenle fight over the chair and manage to squeeze onto it once the cushion gets abandoned on the floor, and Renjun takes his usual position besides Mark on the bed.

"This is Spot," Mark says, frail fingers stroking the toy's head as though it were a real cat. "Want to hold him?"

"Don't you want him? He's yours," Renjun replies. Mark widens his eyes to plead Renjun, so the elder takes the toy and squeezes it to his chest, before returning it. "There. Now you can hug me when I'm not here." Mark looks confused for a few seconds, then he giggles when he realises what Renjun means and the appearance of pure joy on his tired face warms Renjun's core.

"I made cookies," Chenle interrupts the moment, although it's not unwelcome because he offers the tin around and no one is allowed to decline the offer, the room gradually filling with the enticing aroma of fresh baking and chocolate.

Jaemin pinches his cheek. "What you mean is, I made cookies. And you drowned them in icing and ate most of the chocolate chips." His eyes narrow and his right eyebrow twitches with disapproval that Chenle only bats away, shoving a cookie into Jaemin's mouth to shut him up. Jaemin doesn't complain because they taste good, and everyone is soon looking for seconds.

"Oh my God," Mark exclaims with a mouthful. "This is so much better than hospital food."

"Is the sugar good for you? It won't mess with your heart or anything, will it?" Renjun's skin bristles with concern.

Mark sighs happily and rests his cheek on Renjun's shoulder without ever answering the question, so Renjun's mind can't rest until Jaemin says it's okay.

"I haven't passed first year yet, though," Jaemin adds on at the end of his very detailed explanation that flew right over everyone else's heads, smile sheepish. "I'm hardly a qualified doctor."

Chenle asks Mark what second year of university is like, and Mark rates it at least three times worse than first year which has profanities spilling from Jaemin's mouth and Chenle groaning and dread eating through Renjun's gut. But Mark's eyes shimmer as he talks, and he talks fast. He jumps between three topics at once in his usual rambling manner and Renjun is more than happy to listen, to repeat phrases here and there to acknowledge what his soulmate says and to hold Mark's hand. He's never looked healthier and never shone brighter, even if the IV stuck into his elbow and beeping heart monitor put Renjun off a little.

"What's going on in here?" A nurse comes in and they all quieten, glancing at each other and at the biscuit tin that Chenle shoves under the chair. It rattles, hardly inconspicuous. "You're not supposed to bring snacks, but I'll let it slide. Just be mindful of the other patients, please?" She says, before telling Mark to sit up. He whimpers from the cold stethoscope and clenches his jaw when she adjusts the IV, but then she tells him he's doing wonderfully, and the room is bright when she leaves.

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