Club (Vegas ×Pete)

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(Note ~ Whole chapter is in Vegas 's pov.)

It hasn't been long since it all ended. I wanted to take revenge on my dad's death but I don't know whom with. I definitely can't kill Uncle Korn or hurt Kinn.

If I did, it won't be just revenge but it will be considered a revolt against whole of the main family as well as the minor. Since now Porsche is the head of minor family, they have unified the business deals and profit to an extent that it had never been before.

Standing against them would be a stupidity when I barely have any resources to wage a revolt against them. So I accepted Uncle Korns offer to deal with only the hotel and clubs business now.

With Pete and Macau safe and sound by my side I had absolutely no intention of getting back to the filthy business. Like I promised Pete, we started afresh.

We moved to my penthouse that was close to main family's mansion. I didn't wanted him to work as a bodyguard anymore but he still choose to spend his day's with them while I was out for work and Macau wen to school.

Things have been going well since then. I wake up everyday to a family I always dreamt of, except the part where I didn't have my Dad by my side. Though I know he wouldn't be happy seeing the life I am living but I don't regret my choice.

Pete and I have developed a much stronger bond in these six months. We share everything, there's no space for secrets in our relationship we have discovered a lot about each other. More than anything, I know I love him with all my heart and now all I wish for is to have him by my side till the last breath of mine. He has made a guy like me feel so much that I never had felt in years. The warmth that I craved after mumma's death, I found it in his embrace.

Since he came in my life I have changed quite a lot. I don't argue with Khun anymore neither did he hurl insults on me like old times. While Kinn and Porsche treated me like a friend they didn't let past bother anything that we share now it's good to have them around it makes me feel like a family with them after a very long time. It is like we are back to being brother's we were in our childhood, before this business competition thing made us compete against each other.

Since it's nice to be with them we often hang out with them just like today. We are now in Yok's bar. Pete was looking at Arm and Pol dancing like maniacs along with Khun, while our hands were resting entangled on the sofa we shared. Holding his hands right now makes me feel like the valleys between my fingers were carefully carved just for his to fit in.

I could see this innocent smile adorning his pale face, with his eyes squinting as his cheeks looked chubbier than ever making me realise that I definitely have an amazing taste. He looks divine even without putting in any effort and what makes it even adorable is that he doesn't even knows what his looks are capable of doing to me.

Having reached my limit of patience I pulled him towards me catching him off guard and placed a not so gentle kiss on his cheek. He was shocked but within a second I could see his eye's dropping and face turning into a mild hue of pink. He slightly pushed me to sit straight.

I could hear faint" wooo" in the background as I still couldn't get my eyes off my most priced possession.

He seemed to be embarrassed and smacked my arm slightly like he was giving me warning. So ignoring that I hooked my arm swinging around his waist and pulled him towards me. So close that we were connected thigh to thigh and shoulder to shoulder.

He still tried to avoid meeting my eyes he wandered his gaze here and there aimlessly. After a minute of teasing they were back to focusing on their dance. While Pete slowly chugged on his wine. I noticed Porsche and Kinn chatting and cuddling opposite to us totally lost in there own world, like nothing except them existed in the whole universe.

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