Not exactly summer vacation, VI.

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                                                    "oh , hermosa." ew.


     The wheather looked great today, the wind were breezy and it was sunny too. All four of the 24 years old ended college and took their time to spend a vacation together. Aryen, the brunette, were wearing his white buttoned up shirt but left two buttons on top unbuttoned and his blonde curly haired girlfriend, Liv, were wearing a white dress short sleeved with pink flower patterns along with a white cardigan. Rue was wearing a black tank top with a skull on it, an oversized black jeans, an adorable crotchet hat with pair of white sony headphones around her neck. Her brother Finn were wearing just a black t-shirt and jeans to get this over with. 

    Aryen shut close the trunk, constructing a huge thud and looked over to his girlfriend, Liv who were currently chasing Rue around with a permanent marker. Context--Rue fell asleep first causing Liv to draw on her face that night--. Liv stopped chasing her and dropped both her knees on the hard ground to continue laughing with both her hands covering her stomach, unable to control her laughter, she even felt tears in her eyes. Aryen came approaching towards her.

     "Stop playing around, hermosa." Aryen had a smile on his face, admiring how beautiful his girlfriend is under the sunlight. He held out his hands, allowing his girlfriend to place hers on top of his as he pulled her up.  

     "Thank you, love." Liv couldnt help but blushed at the sight of her boyfriend's handsome grin. Only she have thought of that. 

     "No problem." Aryen tucked Liv's front hair behind her ear, awarding her with a kiss on the forehead. Rue, in the mean time, had to experienced this not once but countless of times---while cringing--- throughout her years in college. Especially when she and Liv shared a dorm together. You dont wanna know what shes been through. After all, love was insignificant for Rue. She had experienced what appears to be 'love' before, but nothing really works out for her ideal of a man. However, she couldn't admit that she is still clinging for her ex girlfriend. Nevertheless she were very manipulative but she has given Rue a chance to feel loved.

   Finn started the car engine, interupting a moment Liv and Aryen were sharing. He leaned his body onto the car with both his arms crossed, knowing exactly what he did, what Rue had asked for. Watching his sister go through 3 more makeouts between the brunette and the blonde for hours were unbearable. 

    "On time bro, thank you oh my god." Rue ran to her brother, giving him a high five, which her brother accepted with a victory smile before inhaling the ciggaretes he had in his hand ''Get a hold of yourself, damn.'' Rue continued with her eyes focused on both the couple who is holding onto each other. Both the siblings earned the win.

    Rue entered the car after sharing a win-win between her and her brother. Aryen, whatsoever, shared a 'dissapointed' look with Finn, who shrugged it off with a smirk across his face. Liv giggled to her boyfriends 'disapointed' face. Liv didn't mind at all, shes a sweet and an adorable person but an unexpectedly very strict person around her boyfriend sometimes. 

   Finn threw the ciggaretes in the nearest trash can before entering the driver's seat. Aryen placed his girlfriend's pretty hands in his as he make his way towards the car while his gilfriend, Liv followed from behind.

   He opened the backseat door.
"M'lady" he said in a much deeper tone as sarcasm but Liv knew she loved it. She loved him. He gestured one hand towards the car and the other wrapped around his girlfriend's back. He then lowered his head, allowing his blonde girlfriend to enter first. Such gentlemen eh ?

   Rue and Finn were seated infront while both the adorable lovers were seated at the back. It has always been like this. Finn's always the driver meanwhile Rue can be the only one who have access to control the music. On the other hand, the lovebirds were unseperated therefore both of them are seated at the backseat where they wont be distance with each other, not even by one centimeter.

     One hour passed and its now 2pm. They were on empty road surrounded by trees and the song playing were 'heart to heart' by Mac Demarco, Rue's favourite. Everyone were asleep except for Finn. Liv's head were on Aryen's shoulders and Aryen's head were ontop of hers. Rue had her seat adjusted and is now lowered to make herself a bed but not exactly the comfortable one, another reason why Rue bassically owned the front seat.

      Rue suddenly woke up to Finn lowering the volume of the music as it was a disturbance to him. She yawned and stretch her arms at the same time. Her hair was a mess and she could taste her drool dripping on her chin. 

     "Why'd you lower it downnn" She sat up and adjust her seat back to normal. She then reached her hand to the volume settings and before she could even increase the volume, a bump happened causing not only Aryen but for Liv to woke up too. Aryenjumped to the sudden collision that caused him to woke up and grabbed his girlfriend where Liv is now in Aryen's arm.

     The car crashed into a tree. Finn saw something, A devil ? A monster ? Well, It certainly wasnt human. It was at the middle of the empty road. The shadow were crouching while.. engraving its face as if it had one. There was no face, only one remarkable glowy red eyes. There were black sticky liquid beneith its chin, for human its normally blood but theres no term for blood considering this, whatever that thing was. 

     "Whats going on ?" Everyone confused but only Aryen spoke. Finn's eye widened, his body were trembling. Both his hands were still on the steering wheel.

     "I..'' He gulped before he continued, '' I saw something." He looked again, but it wasnt there. Not anymore that is. He couldn't move, Its as if his body were paralyzed. It was a sudden reaction to crash into a tree but luckily no one was injured.  

     "Stop fucking with us Finn.'' Aryen spoke again but this time in a much serious tone. Liv didnt like that all, she nudged his shoulder as a body language on saying 'stop being disrespectful.'  

     "I wish I was Aryen." From the way his voice were quivering, they immedietly knew he was serious. Finn were still processing what happened meanwhile Rue, Aryen and Liv shared a look. It was too awkward for Rue to speak but too silent for Rue to not. She got out of the car, finally being able to breath fresh air and to stand up in both her legs. Rue stretched her legs until she saw something from a distance. It was shiny in such a way that its calling out for her. She easily entertained and distracted so she walked her way towards the shiny thing. 

    Liv is like an unrelated sister to Rue. She cared so much for Rue, she even followed her because she afraid that Rue will accidentally hurt herself. Trust me, It always happens. Rue always finds a way. One time she unbelieavably got herself stuck somewhere that never existed but now is, from catching just a lizard. 

   Her caring boyfriend and Finn followed from behind. All of them gathered around the thing. The thing as in, a shiny but an antique pocket clock. Not with even one hesitation, Rue instantly grabbed it. A light happened, it shined so bright, Rue thought she died. The light slowly consumed everyone into the pocket clock, inconceivable but astonishly happened. 

    With a light headache, Liv woke up first with a loud gasp subsequently breathing quite heavily. Everyone were layed near her. Aryen at her left and Rue at her right, Finn anyhow were layed the opposite of her direction. No thoughts but only 'what the hell happened..'

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