Where Lovers Go

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When Agatha found him Tedros was plunged deep into soapy water, blonde curls undulating beneath foamy bubbles. She felt herself exhale, chest rising and falling to the relief warming her lungs. Tedros was safe. She watched the water ripple, and splash, dripping over ivory marble floor. Much like everything in the castle, the bathroom had been renovated, glimmering with bone-white caryatids of mighty kings and lacy maidens all under golden spandrels shining from vaulted ceilings alive with depictions of Camelot's greatest feats.

"Care to join me?"

Tedros looked at her, arms sinewy with muscle and strength. He propped his chin over the tub's edge and cracked a genial grin, sunny hair a sopping crown over sleepy, droopy eyes. Agatha crouched to his level, leaning so close their noses touched. She could see the pink creeping in his cheek, the fullness of his lips and wondered if this could be the end of an awful plague, the beginning of a happier life. Then she glimpsed the heavy, dark grooves beneath his eyes, the yellow pallor of his skin and knew they might still be heavy into the trenches.

And as she put her palm to his cheek she felt his heaviness as he leaned into her.

Agatha sighed.

"It's late Tedros," said Agatha, brushing her palm to his cheek. "Why aren't you asleep?"

"I wanted to think."

"About what?"

He pulled away from her and smiled again, peering into her languidly as though he was slipping into a dream. "I forgot." laughed Tedros.

"I'm being serious, Tedros."

"Well, so am I!" he said, running his hands through his hair. "It just so happens my beautiful love is so captivating she leaves me with barely a thought," He traced her neck, pearls of water soaking into the collar of her nightgown. "I only know her."

Said Tedros finally, snickering to himself as Agatha reddened profusely.

"You're pretty good at changing subjects, I'll give you that," said Agatha timidly, avoiding eye contact with him.

"So, you're getting in or what?"

"It's too cold and you should probably get out too," said Agatha, eyes glued to the floor. It was only when she felt herself floating off the ground that she looked back up at him again. And by the time she mustered the sense to wail a protest Agatha was already soaking wet in a warm pool, her dress inflated like a water balloon. Tedros's hands lingered around her waist, poised to peel the garment off of her. "We.. shouldn't.. Um.." Agatha started, face so hot it might explode. "Be.. together.. Right now."

"I missed you," breathed Tedros, his voice sultry and soft. "I missed you too," she pressed her forehead to his. Tedros wet her lips with a kiss. "I could marry you right here, you know?" He kissed her again.

"What happened to the magical, sumptuous wedding of Tedros and Agatha?" Agatha attempted to joke. Tedros drew her closer. "Apparently we can't plan anything without anyone dying so.." He trailed off, eyes darting to the pit of the tub, obviously distressed.

He came here because of Merlin . Agatha thought.

Agatha lifted his chin gently, her dark eyes meeting his windy, grief-stricken ones. "Tedros," She brushed his hair back, "his time came," she whispered softly, caressing his head. She felt him sniffling over her shoulder and on a quiet autumn night, Agatha witnessed a king at his weakest.

"There wasn't anything in the world that could've changed that,"

"He was the only family I had left,"

"I know, I'm sorry,"

With Tedros in her arms, Agatha looked up to an open sky, a silver star zooming past cotton clouds, and made a wish.

yeah this is incomplete deal with it ig

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