part 6

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I woke up at 8:45. Brendan has his arms wrapped around me. I quietly and carefully moved his arms and got out of bed. I go down stairs and make pancakes, eggs, bacon and toast.

I get on my iPad and decide to look up some counselors near by. I found 4 that I liked so I got their numbers and called them off my cell phone. Only 2 of them would take new people but only 1 didn't have a waiting list. I made an appointment to go later today.

The boys wake up at 9:30. Brendan was the first one up. He came in and said in a sleepy voice, "good morning beautiful." He then comes over and gives me a kiss on the cheek and sits down. Then Justin walks in and sits down. We start eating and they told me it was amazing. After we were done eating Brendan and I went up to my room.

I got changed and brushed my hair and teeth. I told him about my appointment and he said he would go with me. I grab my keys and we head to his house so he can change and get some clothes to keep at my house. I sat on his bed and looked around while he was changing. When he took his shirt off to change it I noticed that he had the sexiest abs ever. You could use them as a wash board to clean clothes. He also had a tattoo on the side that said never give up.

He caught me staring and said, "you like what you see" and he winked at me. I replied, "yes" with a wink. He then walks over and lays me down and starts kissing me. He heads to my neck, kissing and giving it little bites. He then kisses my sweet spot and I let out a little moan. I can feel his member hard against my side. He smiles at me and says, "we better stop now because we won't be able to finish." He kisses my lips one more time and gets up.

We head out the door and get in the car. I followed the directions to the office that the website gave me. I pulled in and found a good parking spot. I park the car and get out and i lock the door. Brendan grabs my hand and walks in with me. We walked up to the lady at the front desk and i signed in. We sat down and it felt like i was at the doctors or dentist. After waiting for like 15 minutes the lady called me name.

She took me to room number 7. Brendan stayed out in the waiting room. On the door it said Dr. Colemen young adults counselor. I sit down in one of the big poofy chairs. After waiting for 10 minutes she walks in and shakes my hand and introduces herself.

"Hello Isabella I am glad you called."

I told her I was glad too.

I told her about everything about my past. When we were all done I felt a lot better getting that off my chest. I thanked her and went out and made another appointment. I go once every 2 weeks. Brendan smiles and grabs my hand and we walk out to my car and we get in. We drive to my house. I go inside to see that Justin left me a note that said, " hey kido I will be gone till Friday I had to go to London for a photo shoot. Here is $200 so you can get pizza or something and you may rent a couple movies. No parties and behave I love you."

I grinned and turned to Brendan and said, "Justin will be gone till Friday so you can stay all week. He smiles and grabs my hand and we quickly go upstairs. I half sit half lay in my bed and Brendan crawls on top of my and starts kissing down my neck hitting my sweet spot making me moan. He sits up smiling.

~authors note~

cliff hanger.. what will happen between them? Will they do it or not? I hope you guys like it and didn't stop reading.

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