Chapter 1

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~  Noel  ~

I place my still warm pancakes on my plate.

Today is my first day off the job in what it feels like forever, and I decided to start off the day with some homemade pancakes. Then, I just had to make sausage and eggs to complete the perfect breakfast. I sit down in my living room, placing my OJ on the ground.

I turn my TV on, and almost change it before a name catches my attention. I tune in.

"-Marine Life has stepped in to help minimize the damage the oil spill has caused. More on this story later. Back to you, Heather."

I tune out as a frown edges onto my lips. Oil spill? I'm surprised I wasn't called in. Jeremy, my boss, likes me to speak to the press anytime he gets the chance. I shrug, ignoring my curiosity in order to eat instead.

Just because he hadn't called me in yet means nothing. He might still cut my free day short.

I continue eating as if I hadn't caught the news. I don't even make it two bites before my cell phone rings. With great dread, I pick it up and check the caller ID.

Sure enough it reads: Boss-man.

I sigh before reluctantly sliding my finger to accept the call. I hold it to my ear as I say with much tiredness: "Hello?"

"Hey, Noel. I know it's your day off, but--" Jeremy starts to say, but I cut him off with a bored tone.

"--I'm going to need you to come in. There's been an oil spill." I finish. "Just saw it on the news."

Jeremy doesn't miss a beat. "Yeah. There's that, and there's... something I need your opinion on." I frown.

"My opinion? What is it?"

Jeremy doesn't answer at first, and I start to wonder if the connection broke or something. "I, uh, I'd rather explain in person. It'll sound crazier on the phone. So, you coming or what?"

I sigh. "That's not actually a question. Is it?"

"Nope," Jeremy chirps. "See you in Exam Room 26. Twenty minutes." He hangs up and I remove the phone from my ear. I slip it into my pocket as I look at my plate sadly.

What could have been.

I put it in my microwave before grabbing my keys and slipping on some shoes. I probably look like a hobo, but I don't care. If I don't get a free day, then I get to wear what I want.

I leave my little two-bedroom house and lock the door before sliding into my black Camaro(one of the great things about my job).

All of the seventeen minute drive to the labs, I ponder on what could make Jeremy not want to tell me over the phone. I come up with nothing, so when I park my car in the staff parking lot and start to make my way to the building, I'm beyond curious.

It takes me about five minutes to get to Exam Room 26, and when I open the door Jeremy acknowledges me with a: "You're late." I roll my eyes.

"Ever heard the saying "Better late than never"?" I retort.

"Yes, but never late is better." He says. I chuckle at this and he continues. "So I know you're probably wondering why I asked you here-"

"More like ordered me here." I mutter, earning myself a glare.

"Well, the answer's simple. We were cleaning up the spill. You know helping wildlife and such when the strangest thing happens." He hesitates, and I sigh impatiently.

"Which is...?" I urge. He sighs.

"We found a floating mermaid. Or, merman. If that's even a thing." He explains, leaving me speechless.

"You're lying." I decide quickly. "There's no way." Jeremy scowls.

"Why do you think I called you? I wouldn't have called you if it weren't important. I don't like your attitude, or--" I tune out his rant about how much he dislikes me.

That's true. Jeremy and I have a rocky relationship. Sometimes we're the best of friends and other times we're at each other's throats. Could it be possible? I glance at the door to the observation deck. Time to find out.

Without another word to Jeremy, I walk past him and burst through the door. There is one other Marine Biologist in the room, who I quickly identify as Emerson. I don't have time to greet him, because I notice the person in the observation room intended for observing new fish.

The part that really struck me as odd was he is naked. That and the fact that he looked like a Greek god.

He's absolutely breathtaking with eyes that are dark blue in the middle and fade into dark red on the edges of his irises. Not to mention his jet black hair, which makes him look even more mysterious.

He sits calmly against a wall, starting blankly were the water at the other side of the room. I look over at Emerson as Jeremy walks into the room.

"Why doesn't he have any clothes? And, he doesn't appear to be a "merman"." I say, turning to Jeremy for answers.

"He has no clothes, because when we found him he had a tail. And, he somehow got legs on the trip from the beach to here." Emerson explains. Intrigued, I glance back at the person in question.

"Yes, he doesn't reply or even acknowledge our presence. We also tried to get blood for some tests, but he would dive into the pool and sit at the bottom until everyone leaves." Jeremy says, frustration clear in his voice.

"I want to give it a try." I say, opening the door into the observation room. Part of me was hoping he'd feel the strange pull I felt with him, but when he didn't so much as glance towards me I knew didn't feel the same.

I sit at the right side of the room, against the walls. I study the statue-like guy in front of me.

"What's your name?" I ask.

No reply. Not even eye movement.

"Okay," I drag the word out. "Do you want some clothes?"

Again, nothing.

I sigh. This'll take a while. As I pretend to check the time, I say, "Well, I have time."

And so I sit.

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