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It's next morning..' with cool atmosphere which it's looking so peaceful.
Jimin woke up and getting ready for his college. He simply wore simple cute outfit And did light makeup which he's looking deadly gorgeous. He quickly came out from his room and directly went to hobi's room. Without knocking his door he entered into his room and looked at hobi which he was getting ready for college.
Hey...Minnie.. hobi said with sunshine smile..'

Morning hobaa... jimin said with small smile.
Hobi completely behaving like a normal person..' he forgot about that last night events.. he doesn't want to think about those worst nightmares and don't want to ruin his day. So he casually behaving like a normal.

"How you feeling now..? Jimin asked him in low voice while getting closer to hobi.
Hobi sighed and looked at jimin through his mirror.
"Don't worry about me jiminaa.. it's normal for me.. I'm fine now.. hobi said in calm voice.
Jimin came closer to him and hugged him in side way so tightly.
Hobi also hugged him and caressed his arms..'

"I worried about you hobaa.."! Jimin said in low voice..'
Hobi smiled at his little angel which he was worried about him a lot..'
"I'm sorry if I make you worried to you Minnie.." but I'm ok now.
"No you you no need to say sorry to me hobaa.. jimin lifted his head and said to him. And yeah I care about you..jimin said with pouty lips..'

"hobi chuckles at him at kissed on his forehead.."
"Thank you..' hobi said.. with hearty emotional eyes.

"You no need to say thank you to me.. jimin said with cute voice..

Hobi smiled at him and said..

"Shall we go..?

"Jimin nodded cutely.."

Jimin and hobi reached to their university. Jimin didn't talk about any last night incidents anymore because he knew sometimes hobi gets those nightmares.?Hobi didn't like to discuss about those shit anymore. So jimin didn't talk about that. But jimin didn't left his side he was sticky and clingy to him.

Hobi was weak.. he's not that much of brave boy.
he too get afraid of small things..' but he act like a strong person. Because he didn't want to make worry to his family members.

"At outside he's cheerful boy "But deep inside hobi was a broken child which he faced a lot of hard traumas in his life."

Both are walking in corridor., hobi was looking for taehyung..'
Because he wants to talk with him..' he wants to thank him so badly..' he helped him yesterday he care about him..' he didn't have chance to thank him properly..' so he decided today he wants to talk with him.

Now jimin and hobi have different schedules so they're parted away to separate classes

Hobi was searching for taehyung so desperately. while going to his class..'
when he was about to entered into class he saw familiar figure walking in corridor..' so he followed that person quickly.
Hobi was following that person and He confirmed that person was taehyung..

Hobi smiled widely and following him back while calling his name.
But the older was keep walking and ignoring the hobi's voice completely..' he fasten up his pace because he didn't want to see his face at all..' but that innocent boy doesn't know the latter intentions at all.
"Hyung... please wait.."
Jimin walking to his class and he saw jungkook was talking with professor with bunny smile..'
Then jungkook slightly turns his head towards right side and his smile widened when he saw "beautiful doll jimin"
He excused to his professor and looked back at at jimin again and walking towards to him with soft gaze which he didn't looked away.
Jimin drowning into shyness which jungkook was killing him with his soft lovely stare..'

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