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⚠️ abusive , foul language

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Long Chapter...

Next day/-

Jungkook somewhat able to mange to come college with fresh mind but still he's heart was not feeling well..he was feeling nervous what will Eric do to jimin..' is he starting getting close to jimin or what..? Is he taking extra care of him..? These thoughts are mostly lingering in his mind continuously.

He went to canteen which his friends and hyung everyone situated in usual spot. But he didn't find jimin and taehyung He thought they might be went to class..'

He slowly marched towards his place,
Jin was boringly looking into his coffee he was not concentrating at the surroundings he was thinking about jungkook and jimin. Then he normally looked up and saw jungkook was coming towards them.

Jin eyes widened when he saw jungkook after few days he feels so relieved when he saw him.

Jungkook directly went towards his jin hyung and sat beside him.
Jin quickly hugged him which jungkook was taken back by his action. It's like sudden attack on him.

Namjoon and hobi looked at them with slight widen eyes..'
Kookie I miss you a lot..' how you're feeling right now..? Jin asked him with concern voice.

"I'm fine hyung no need to worry..' he said with small smile.

"How are you hyung..? Hobi asked him

Jungkook turned his face at him and smiled at him..'
"I'm fine hobi" jungkook said to him.

Hobi nodded his head and lightly smiled at him.

jungkook did nt talk with namjoon he doesn't why he was feeling so insecure around him and that too they're terms are not good between them.

namjoon knew why jungkook didn't came to college for few days. but he stayed silent without asking anything to him.

after announcing jimin's marriage proposal jungkook didn't came to college so its crystal clear why jungkook didn't feel well. if he ask anything to jungkook now he will uncomfortable now and again he will get disturbed, namjoon didn't like that so that's why he stayed calmed.

jungkook eyes was wandering for someone precious person. but he didn't find him.

after sometime jungkook and remaining members went to their clasess.


Jimin was walking in corridor with boring expressions. he was again feeling sad because he thought jungkook again didn't came to college today. he meet him and talk him yesterday but still he"s missing older alot. then suddenly someone dragged jimin into empty class..' jimin about to say something to him but before that...that unknown person tightly hugged him and closed his eyes and feeling warm embrace from this little bean. Jimin was taken back by his action but later he melted into his warm and tight embrace. Then he calm down himself when he knew about that person and he's "jungkook" he smiled when he feeling his warmth feeling.
Both are enjoying eachother warm hug.

"Glad you came to college today hyung.." jimin said in low voice.

"I really want urge to see you so badly Minnie because of you I came today.." jungkook said while inhaling his fragrance on his neck with calm voice..'

Jimin smiled little..'

Then jimin slowly pulled away from hug and looked into his big bumbi eyes.

Jungkook wrapped his arm around jimin's waist and pulled him closer..'
Jimin placed his small chubby hands on his hard chest.

INNOCENT CUTIE ( JIKOOK/VHOPE )Where stories live. Discover now