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John walks downstairs at around 9:00am, surprisingly not tired, Lucy is sat down signing a form.

"John, will you be quiet? Dotty and Lola are playing and I'm doing this form for Lola's school!" Lucy whispers quietly, walking over and putting him on the couch.

"Sorry babe" he laughs, kissing her on the forehead.

"Right, Lola's going on a school trip and she needs packed lunch for it. Do you mind going in the morning?" Lucy sighs.

"Oh crap, I forgot about that. Where's the form?" John jolts up and starts looking around for it.

"Babe, I've signed it" she giggles, showing him the form.

"You got me scared, never do that again!" He shouts quietly, walking over to the sofa and kissing her.

A sudden thud is heard at the door, along with a collection of voices. "Mr and Mrs Shelby!" a distinct voice called out, Lola walked down stairs rubbing her eyes in confusion.
"Who's at the door?" She looked up in confusion.

"It's no one sweetie" Lucy said softly. "Carry on playing with your dolls yeah?" Lucy smiled,

John opened the door and was met to police officers who pinned him to the wall outside, John tried to fight them off but was unable to break free. They ran upstairs and grabbed Dotty and Lola, Lucy screamed and grabbed one of the police officers who was taking Lola.

"Get off them! What's going on!" Lucy screamed, tears running down her face. "Get off my kids!"

As Lucy ran out the door she was pinned to the wall, standing next to John. The police let go after both kids are placed into a car. Lucy attempts to catch her breath and John tries to run after the car that began driving. "Lola! Dotty!" John yelled out, causing a few neighbours to look out their windows, detective Campbell appears from behind a house with a sinister laugh and pushes a piece of paper into Johns chest.

"What the fuck?" John screams.

"Your kids are being taken into care" Campbell laughs. "Maybe you should take more care of them, and Robbie wouldn't of called the police" I'm going to make sure you never see those kids again" he laughs before leaving the house, Lucy feels her knees drop as tears pour out of her eyes - John runs over and places her in his arms. A gut wrenching scream exits Lucy's mouth as she tries to hold back tears, John pulls her into a hug and cradles her tightly.

"I'm going to Tommy's, I ain't having this" John gets up and runs to Tommy's, Lucy following behind.

John bangs on Tommy's door, causing it to almost fall off its hinges. Tommy answers the door in confusion and John barges past and is met with Arthur and Polly sat down next to a table.
"Whatever fucking shit you've got going on with detective Campbell sort it out now!" John yelled, sighing as he sat down at the table, Lucy walks in with tears still falling down her face.

"Lucy? What's happened?" Polly runs over and gives her a hug, wiping her tears.

"They've gone and took the fucking kids!" John shouts punching the table.

"Who?" Arthur replied, staring in disbelief.
Tommy looks at John, his faces drops and he runs out the door. "Tommy!" Polly cries out. "Lucy sit down, I'll make you some tea"

"I'm fine, can I have water instead?" Lucy sniffles.

Polly runs the tap and passes water to Lucy who's trying to hold back tears.

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