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"Kids!" Lucy shouted as her kids ran around the church. "Will you pack it in?" John picked up Dean at the last moment and squeezed him tightly, causing Dotty and Katie to stop.

"Your uncle is getting married so behave!" John sighed.

As they all walked into the church and took their places, a little boy had come around with a piece of paper, passing it to everyone around him - Lucy took the paper and smiled at him
Before passing it John who was holding Dean.
"Fucking hell, can Arthur stop flirting with that wife of his?"

"Shut up John, be grateful that he even got married!"

As the choir sang a song Jeremiah walked into the church, getting confused looks of Graces family and then standing next to Tommy. Grace walked in wearing a Lilac dress, it was fitted just right and had a black veil attached.
"Here come the fucking cavalry, late as usual" John muttered, Lucy hit him on his shoulder which caused him to do an awkward smile as he tried not to let out a groan of pain, once the wedding had finished everyone drove to Tommys house for the reception, the house was neatly cleaned with decor and had golden walls, John gathered his children and looked at them with a smile.

"So, your uncle Tommy said you can play outside. But if you mess around I will take you straight home myself, okay?" John smiled.

"Okay" they all said in unison before leaving the house.

"Are you sure they'll be okay?" Lucy stammered.

"They are gonna be fine, stop worrying" John smiled before kissing her on the cheek.

"John boy, kitchen now" Arthur sighed, pulling him over.

John went to the kitchen while Lucy went and sat with Lizzie and Polly.

"You really need a map for this" Arthur stammered as he walked into the kitchen.

Tommy lit a cigarette and sighed. "Right boys your all here" he began. "Today, this is my fucking wedding day"

"Yeah and you said they'd be no fucking uniforms" John sighed.

"Nevertheless. Nevertheless John" Tommy choked out. "Despite the bad blood, I'll have none of it on my carpet. Now for Graces sake nothing will go wrong, those bastards out there are her family - and if you fuckers do anything to embarrass her, your kin, your cousins, your horses, your fucking kids, you do anything"

"Tom" Isiah said.


"What about snow?"

"Yeah their women are sports, I'll say that" John laughed, pushing Isiahs head.

"No, no, no" he sighed as he walked over to Isiah. "No cocaine, No cocaine" he then walked over to John, Arthur in a line "No sports, no telling fortunes, no racing"
He walked over to Finn and smacked him in the face. "No sucking fucking petrol out of their cars, and you Charlie? Stop spinning yarns about me, eh?"

"Aww, I'm trying to sell them to you, Tom"

"But the main thing is, you bunch of fuckers despite the provocation from the cavalry, no fighting!" He walked over to each and everyone of them. "No fighting, no fucking fighting, no fighting" he left Michael out and turned around to everyone. "No fucking fighting!" He shouted. "Good, oh and John?"


"Tell your kids to stop hiding in the closets"

Everyone gathers around the table, John starts making jokes which causes Lucy to feel embarrassed.

"You okay Lucy?" John whispers. "You look pale"

"I'm fine, just tired" Lucy smiled.

"Sorry we're late" Tommy sighed, sitting down. "Now I appear that my brother Arthur has a speech?"

"Here he goes, go on Arthur!" John shouted.

Arthur stood up and coughed before speaking. "I'd like to erm, I'm not the one for speeches" he stammered.

"John, I'm gonna go check up on the kids. You don't mind do you?" Lucy whispered.

"No no, go ahead" John whispered back.

Lucy walked into the front garden to see Lola, Dotty and Dean sat around playing with another group of children. Lucy came over and passed them some snacks she had brought inside her bag.

"You guys hungry?" She smiled waving the packets around, giving each child one. John stood from afar with a smile on his face. "You kids should get inside, it's going dark" All the kids scurried along before Lucy heard shouting from afar. "What the fuck?" She whispered, looking around to see what was going on, John walked over to her with a smile on his face and walked her back inside. "What are you doing exactly?" She sighed.

"Nothing babe, go and have fun, ey?" John grinned before kissing her on the cheek.

"Right, okay" she stammered.

Lucy walked in and saw Lola and Dotty on the doorstep, Dean in Polly's hands, Lucy looked at them all in confusion as Polly showed them to a different room.

"Are they okay?" She asked, looking at them both confused:

"I think they're tired or something, I took them to the guest bedroom" Polly smiled. "Are you okay, you seem really ill"

"Yeah, I'm just really tired, I've been feeling ill a lot lately" she stammered. "Maybe it's them kids"

"Maybe it is, you should get some rest" polly sighed. "I'll keep an eye on the kids for you"

"I'll be okay, I'll just have to fight through it" she grinned.

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