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Skyla Makoto and Sonosuke daughter are friends with Kingston Kokichi and Nagito son their in the same school same classes in preschool but they was at the park and their parents watch them play

Skyla: Higher Kingston

Kingston was pushing Skyla on the swing sets

Kingston: okay! *smiles and laughed playful*

Kokichi: awww isn't that cute our two kids getting along so well

Makoto: I know right it's so adorable

Nagito: but a surprise that their both the same age

Sonosuke: humph yeah

Makoto: well I'm thankful that she's still a toddler I'm little nervous when she be 13

Kokichi: same with Kingston but they got a long whole year ahead of them

Nagito: well it's a blessing I'll say

Sonosuke: alright I'll agree on that

Now they have more fun together

Skyla: come on let's go down the slide

Kingston: I don't know Skyla

Skyla: we can go together here I'll be front and you can be in the back and we'll both go down together

Kingston: fine

Skyla sits down first and Kingston gets behind her both them slide down together

Skyla: Yea! That was fun! *cheered out*

Kingston: it wasn't that bad after all

Skyla: told you I'm always right

They high five each other

Skyla: you know what I'm ready for?

Kingston: oh I know what you cream

Skyla: yeah I do let's ask our parents

They both run to their parents

Skyla/Kingston: Mommy Daddy can we get ice cream!

Kokichi: sure you two

Makoto: yes y'all can get some since your both adorable

Now they both went to the a ice cream shop and boy was they was all excited

Kingston: I will take- on second thought ladies first *looked at Skyla* you can pick Skyla

Skyla: awww thank you Kingston I'll take a strawberry ice cream with sprinkles and with a cherry on top please

Kingston: me a vanilla ice cream with some candies on it

Now they both got their ice cream and enjoy it

Kokichi: that was so sweet of you on letting her pick Kingston

Kingston: I have respect for ladies and people

Skyla: well still thank you so much

Makoto: so what you two wanna do now?

Skyla: hmm....

Kingston: I wanna go to the zoo I heard they got new animals

Skyla: yeah them polar bears and pandas we gotta see it

Makoto: oh ok then

Now they went to the zoo

Skyla: awww how cute look at that baby panda

Kingston: so cool

Skyla: but noting won't replace my sprinkles

Kingston: yeah and my chase

Kokichi: you guys gotta a pet?

Makoto: yeah it's a baby brown husky Sonosuke found her and we take her to the vet and stuff but year

Nagito: oh didn't know that hope we get to see it someday

Sonosuke: I'm sure of that

Makoto: are you guys going to the school reunion

Nagito: Nah I'm busy lucky the captain gave me a day off

Kokichi: but let's see some other animals

Skyla: Yay I agree

Kingston: same here mommy *thumbs up at him*


Skyla: your a good friend you know that

Kingston: yeah I know *blush little*


Both them was sitting on the door step of Nagito and Kokichi house while their parents was inside talking for a bit

Kingston: look Skyla if it's ok if I do this

Skyla: do what?

Kingston: I wanna.....*blushed red* kiss you

Skyla: Kiss me!?? *shocked*

Kingston: look one quick kiss then we'll never speak of this again alright

Skyla: fine

They get ready and they share a short kiss and looked away blushing

Skyla: ok that was weird but I hope it don't effect our friendship

Kingston: I'm sure it won't

Makoto: ok Skyla time to go home now

They walked out the house

Skyla: oh ok bye Kingston

Kingston: bye Skyla

Now that's what I call a cute friendship I'll say.

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