𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 .𝟎𝟏

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 ╰┈➤ ❝ readers pov ❞

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╰┈➤ ❝ readers pov ❞

This was it. There's no turning back.

I can't believe I won't ever return to my homeland, where I grew up. The sun rays beaming down onto the rain pearled grass. Dancing in the rain with my family.

I hate sky people.

I flew on my ikran, alongside my family. I look down to see no more trees, but just clear oceans. If I'm being honest, its not like its an ugly sight, because its not. But I'd much rather be swinging from tree to tree than moving to an entire new environment, which I'd have to adapt to.
"Are we there yet?" my little sister, Tuk, asks. I glance at her, as she closes her eyes slowly, her hair blowing in the wind as she lays there, curled up infront of my mother.

We made it..hooray??
I tried to stay positive about things, since me and my family would have to adapt to this new and strange environment. me and my family land , a couple feet away from the ocean as we get strange looks from the villagers. I hop off of my ikran first, followed along by everyone else. Whispers travel from ear to ear as people laugh and stare.

I stand next to my brother, Neteyam. Two boys emerge from the crowd, one of them taller than the other.
They give my family possibly the dirtiest looks ever.
'Who does he think he is?'
His eyes jump from my parents, to Neteyam, to me. I feel his sharp gaze burn holes into my soul, as he examines every inch of my face, then looking at my brother Lo'ak. He scoffs.

"Is that supposed to be a tail?" His friend points, as they both exchange a laugh.
"How are they supposed to swim?" The taller one adds on.
What a bitch.
It took everything to not pounce on him and his friend and rip them to shreds.

Suddenly, a stunning girl emerges from the ocean. The boys carry on making comments, as she slaps one of the boys hands. "Rotxo, Aonung. Enough." Aonung. what an ugly name.

She flicks her hair, as I glance at Lo'ak, he's blushing like crazy.
I turn to Neteyam, holding back a laugh.
"Hey." Lo'ak says.
She looks down and giggles, covering her mouth. She looks at me and smiles, as I smile back. She seems nice.

All the villagers part, leaving a path in the middle for what looks like the Tsahík, and Olo'eyktan as they walk amongst everyone.

My father looks at us all and nods.
"Jake Sully.. what brings you here?" The chief says.
"We seek Ukturu." My father says.
I feel someone staring at me. Almost like theyre judging me.
Wonder who that could be!!!!!
I look at Aonung, as he rolls his eyes. I throw him a confused look.
The voice of Ronal grabs my attention away from him.
"Ukturu?" She says, clearly heavily judging us.
"A sanctuary for my family." My father desperately says.
"We are reef people. You are forest people. Your skills will mean nothing here." She states, staring down on all of us.
"We will learn your ways, won't we?" My dad asks, looking at us. Recieving awkward looks from me and my siblings.
"Won't we." He says. This time, it wasn't rather a question. He threw us a look, as we all nod.
"Your children don't seem to hopeful." Ronal says, slightly smiling.
Her smile drops, as she pulls at my arm.
"Their arms are thin. Their tails are weak. They will be slow in the water."
I yank my arm away, snatching my tail from her.
"Don't touch me." I shoot her a cold stare. She looks at me, circling my family. She breaks eye contact as I look at my older brother, as he nudges me. I roll my eyes.

I watch as she yanks at kiris arm.
"These children are not true Na'vi!" She exaggerated her sentence. The village gasps, and whispers yet again.
"Yes we are!" Kiri exclaims, releasing her hand from Ronal's tight grasp.
She holds Lo'aks hand, inspecting each and every one of his fingers.
"Demon blood!" She exclaims.
My father sighs.
"Look!" I have five fingers. I was once apart of the sky people. I adapted into a na'vi.
We can adapt here too."
My mum had an angry expression on her face.
"My husband was once Toruk Makto!" she says, her voice fierce. She slowly makes her way infront of my father, trying to look like a threat.
"He led the clans to victory." She says, her jaw clenched, as Ronal stares at her, with no emotion.
It was getting quite boring, the voices started to muffle and I daydreamed about swimming in these oceans and relaxing, having fun.

Neteyam notices, and he cleared his throat. I look at him.
"what?" I whisper
He sighs, looking over to the crowd and then to me. I look in the same direction, to meet eyes with Aonung, yet again. I stare at him, as he looks at me with a cold gaze. Does he have a staring problem?
Lo'ak also stares in his direction, but hes staring at Tsireya.

I turn my head to my mother, while she sighs.
"Ukturu has been asked."
Tonowari and Ronal both glance at my parents, discussing what they were going to do about us.
Instead of actually talking, they just gave eachother looks which was quite funny.

Tonowari clears his throat.
"Toruk Makto and his family will stay here, with all of us."
I smile to myself, and so does everyone in my family. Everyone besides Kiri.
"Treat them as your brothers and sisters.
They don't know the ocean, so they will be like babies taking their first breath. Teach them our ways, so they do not suffer the shame of being useless."
useless...okay then...
"What do we say?" My father says, smiling.
"Thank you." everyone mumbles, Kiri rolling her eyes. Tuk says it enthusiastically.
"My daughter Tsireya and my son Aonung will help you and teach you our ways."
Aonung stares at him shocked.
"What? Father, why me?"
"It has been decided." Tonowari puts his hand up infront of him, throwing him a glare.
He walks back next to Tsireya, an angry look on his face.
"I will show you the village!" Tsireya exclaims, smiling at all of us.
We follow her around for a while, as she eventually stops infront of our "home."

"Here is your home! Meet me and my brother by the shore once you have all settled in." She smiles, and walks off, her brother shortly following behind.
My mother drops the stuff on the ground, exhaling loudly.
I throw my stuff into one of the corners.
"You reckon this is big enough for all of us?"
"If anything we can throw you out." Lo'ak says, as he laughs and I push him. We all walk onto the shore, to see the two siblings.
"Come, lets start by exploring the sea." She dives in majestically, followed along by that shithead Aonung. Me and my siblings all just dive in, looking like wild animals.

I open my eyes, and look below me. My face relaxed, as I see all of the colourful fish swim underneath me. The corals were so pretty. I did start to feel a little homesick though. I followed along, suddenly seeing another one of those turquoise na'vi things in the ocean. He had curly hair, pretty sure he was the one that Aonung was with.

They all swam deeper, and I was starting to run out of breath. I look down one last time so to see Aonung, Tsireya and the other one doing some sort of sign language thing?

╰┈➤ ❝ aonungs pov

"they're so slow, look, that girls already out of breath?"
"shut up, they're only learning aonung."
my sister, Tsireya signs to me as I laugh.
We all swim up to the surface, as I see that girl gasping for breath.
"You're slow swimmers. Maybe good at climbing trees.." I laugh.
"Wow, you're so funny. I'd like to see you last at least a day in the forest." the girl shoots me a dirty look. pathetic.
"What's this... finger thing. We don't know what youre saying!" The older brother says
"We will teach you." Tsireya smiles.

Time passes, and it gets darker.
"See you guys tomorrow!" Tsireya says, as I watch the weird blue na'vi things walk off. I glance back at that girl, and she stares back at me. I smirk, and turn my head.
"what's that girls name?" I ask Tsireya.
"The one with the long hair?"
"I'm pretty sure her names y/n. Why? Do you like her?" She asks.
"No, shes weird."
Tsireya rolls her eyes, as we walk off to our pods.

a/n: heyy guys first chapter!! i know its boring, just trust me it'll get better okay 😭😭
ill make sure to put in a lot of juicy scenarios next chapter 😘😘😘
luv ya xox

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