𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 .𝟎𝟒

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╰┈➤ ❝ readers pov ❞

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╰┈➤ ❝ readers pov ❞

I shrug. He opened his mouth to say something, before someone interrupted us.
"Hey, guys!" I hear Kiris voice.
"Oh, hi Kiri, what's up?" I ask, confused. Where'd she come from?
"You reckon I could spend a little time with you both? Since I haven't been able to get to know Aonung." She states, smiling at us.
I throw him a confused look.
He furrows his brows, as he scoffs.
"Uh, okay, then.." He says.
"Well.. we were going to go somewhere more private.." I mutter.
She glances at me.

The three of us all swim our way into a mystic cave, decorated with crystals and small sparks of white lights that shimmered down into the moon pool.
We sat on the edge, our feet dangling in the water.
Kiri was talking non stop. Unlike her, considering the fact she was very unenthusiastic when we moved here.

Maybe she liked him?

She can't like him, surely. I mean, she barely knows the guy.

I gaze down into the moon pool, looking into the reflection to see Kiri and Aonung getting along. A little too well.

I'm so confused? Aonung literally bullied Kiri and now they're acting like best friends. More than that, even. Kiri occasionally pushing his shoulder, her knee slowly creeping up to touch his.

I felt knots in my stomach. Man, I loved Kiri to death but what was she doing?

I sat there, listening to them blabber on about the most randomest things. I couldn't stand it. I wasn't upset, or anything. Right?
"Aonung, why don't you help me with my breathing?" I blurt out.
They both look my way.
"Since when do you want to practise your breathing?" he asks, scoffing.
"Since.. right now? I also want to go for a swim." I say. What was I doing. Was I.. jealous? Of course I was!
"Alright then, we might as well all practise. Consider this a headstart to your breathing lessons with everyone else. You know, since you're both so rubbish." He smirks, proud of his comment.

We all sit in a triangle. Kiri had suddenly stopped acting so strange. In my peripheral vision, I notice her winking at Aonung, as she got up and left without saying a word. As if she was never there.
I stare at Kiri walking off, not looking back. What was going on? Why were they acting so strange? I don't know, and I didn't like it.

Aonungs snaps his fingers in my face, bringing me back to reality. "y/n, focus!" he says, furrowing his brows. I nod.
"Take deep breaths. Slowly breathe in, and back out."
He puts his hands on my chest, trying to find my heartbeat. He then places another one of his cold hands against my abdomen.
"Y/n. Your heartbeat is fast. Try to slow it down." He says.

I shift my gaze from his hands to his face. He looked so angelic and peaceful, when he was focused. When he wasn't acting like a fucker.
"Y/n, focus. Okay?" He says, not taking his eyes off of my stomach. As if he felt me staring at him.

"Mhm. I am." I whisper, not taking my eyes off of his.
He looks up at me, his pupils dilating. His pupils dilated?! I smile to myself. Looking down at his lips.

"You're not... focusing.." He whispers, his words soft.

I roll my eyes, and we carry on breathing.
I'm at peace, feeling a serene feeling lingering in between each breath. This was easy!

"That's it.. keep doing that..good job.." He says, his voice deep and calm. He did not just say that. Does he realise what he's doing to me??
I open my eyes carefully.

He pulls his hands away from me.
"I hope that helps you, so you dont completely embarrass yourself in front of everyone else tomorrow." he laughs to himself, as I hit his arm playfully

I was in my pod. Yet again, with my parents, but also my siblings. "Mother.." I begin.
She looks at me, a smile across her face.
"What is it, my love?" she asks me.
"I think I met, a boy." Suddenly, I feel my fathers eyes locked on me, like magnets.
"The only boys you should be talking to is me, and your brothers." He says, firmly.
Me and my mother both laugh in unison.
"Come." She says, reaching out her hand for me, as we walk out of the hut, and sit on the sand.
"So, who is this boy?" She asks, her eyes filled with excitement.
"You know, that one guy Aonung." I begin
"Ah yes, Aoung." She says, sighing, keeping that smile on her face as she shakes her head.
I laugh, covering my mouth slightly.
"No, its pronounced Aonung. Not Aoung."
We both laugh.

"What do you see in him?" She asks me.
"Well, he's a bit of a tease, but, he makes me feel, happy? Angry most of the time. But I know theres something going on. His pupils dilate whenever he looks at me." I say, ranting to her about Aonung.

"He is going to tease you. He's going to make you upset, like you want to claw his eyes out." She says, showing me a clawing motion. "When I met your father, I was going to kill him. It took me a while to get to love him. You are still a child. You are still my y/n. You have a long time to decide wether you want to spend the rest of your life with him." She says, rubbing her thumb against my hands.

I nod, as we sit, talk and laugh.

"Why don't you go spend some time with him?" She says, patting my back.
I nod in response, and she hugs me and walks off.

That was therapeutic.

I look all around me, admiring the beautiful scenery that I got to see. That I got to wake up to everyday.

I look around, to see two figures. One of them being Kiri. I squint my eyes, to see Aonung as well?
I make my way over to them.

"Hey guys." I smile awkwardly, as Kiri waves nervously.

╰┈➤ ❝ aonungs pov

"you know, I am only doing this so you can finally fulfil your desires by spending your life with your little y/n." Kiri rolls her eyes, as she crosses her arms.

"stop making it sound like I'm in love with her or something. I'm just bored." I say. Was I really bored?? Or am I taking an interest for this girl?

"yeah yeah, whatever. But now the poor girl thinks I like you!" She rolls her eyes, yet again. I scoff. "And why would she care?" I respond. This forest girl was getting on my nerves.
She lets out a sigh. "You are so slow, Aonung. Of course she ca-" Kiri glances to her side, to see y/n walking up to us. Perfect timing, y/n!!
I sigh. "Hey guys.." She says awkwardly. I pray to Eywa that she didn't hear our conversation.

a/n: hiii!! i tried making this chapter more interesting. you guys think y/n heard their convo ?? 🫣🫣 let me know if you have any suggestions for future chapters, so i can make this as interesting for you as possible. 💗💗
luv ya xox

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