Chapter 8

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Hermione and I had been seeing each other more frequently. We had to keep it quiet since Ron still wasn't happy about my presence. Harry, on the other hand, loved having me around.

"Draco?" I spoke suddenly as we were both enjoying each other's company in the common room. "Yeah?" he replied, looking a little bit worried. "Why do you keep sneaking off during the day?" I asked as he was beginning to become shifty. "No reason" he answered quickly as if he was trying to hide something. 

"What about you Delphi? I look for you at lunch most days but I can't find you anywhere?" he suddenly flipped the question back on me. "Same as you, no reason" I smiled. And we left it at that, both knowing that the other was hiding something. 

Later that day, I was summoned to a DA meeting. "Hey Delphi" Harry chirped. "Hey Harry, Mione... Ron" I spoke his name with distaste. "I can't help but feel as though something is coming. Which is why I brought you all here today" Harry explained. "Like what?" someone asked. "Something dark, which is why we need to prepare" he said calmly. 

"I want to work on some defensive spells, just in case we are ambushed. I have some dummies to practice on. You can use any spell that you desire" he said with a smile as I and Mione wheeled some dummies into their view. 

"Delphini, would you demonstrate a defensive spell?" he asked me. I nodded and stood in front of one of the dummies. Without thinking, I cast the Imperio curse causing the dummy to begin wheeling around frantically. 

When I stopped, I turned around to see everyone in shock. Including the golden trio. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked. "You... you' Ron started stuttering. "Spit it out Weasley" I demanded. "You used an unforgivable curse Delphini" Hermione said, sounding pretty scared. My eyes widened. I hadn't intended on using an unforgivable curse... it sort of just happened.

"Alright... thank you for that demonstration Delphini. Just to let you all know, those three curses are out of bounds. No matter what the situation they are not to be used, understood?" Harry said authoritatively. "Yes Harry" everybody mumbled.

He got everyone working before pulling me to one side. "Delphini, what the hell were you thinking?" he asked. "I- I don't know Harry, I'm sorry" 

"Delphini please tell me that's the first time you've used an unforgivable curse" he said with seriousness. "I didn't answer him right away because I knew if I had told him the truth he would never speak to me again.

The memories of times that I had practiced with my mother in our garden came flooding in. She used the cruciatus curse on me to build up my strength but it was never with malicious intent. I'd never used them on her, only on trees and inanimate objects.

"Delphini?" Harry's concerned voice brought me back to reality. "No, of course not. I'm so sorry Harry. I guess it just slipped my mind" I said, trying to make him drop it. 

"Harry!" Neville yelled, grabbing both of our attention. "Come here quick!" 

Harry and I rushed over to see what the problem was. The wall was shaking. "Someone's trying to get in" Harry said. "What do we do?" Hermione asked terrified. I grabbed her hand and gave it a little squeeze before walking over to the wall. 

"I can hear voices" I said quietly. I thought quickly and cast the imperturbable charm to protect us from whoever was trying to get in. The wall crumbled down to reveal Umbridge and the last person I would've expected.

"Draco?" I said in disbelief as I dropped the protective charm. "Delphi?" he said in shock. "Seems to me Mr Potter has a little fan club going on here. Grab them" Umbridge ordered. Draco didn't hesitate to grab me, dragging me to her office. "What the hell are you playing at Delphi? Mixing with them?" he whispered. I said nothing. 

Harry was sat in the chair facing Umbridge. "You were going to Dumbledore weren't you" she asked him before slapping him hard across the face. "What the hell!" I yelled. "Don't you-" she turned to me but Professor Snape walked in. 

She asked him for veritaserum however, it became known that she had used the last of it on Cho. "My God! you have some nerve" I yelled at her. "Excuse me?" she spoke through gritted teeth, walking closer to me. "First, you try to scar Harry and I... then you use a potion to force students to tell you things that you have no business knowing!" I said, anger boiling up inside of me. 

"Oh young Delphini. You must learn when to keep your thoughts to yourself" she smiled at me. I slowly began to rise the wand that Draco failed to confiscate from me but he grabbed my arm, stopping me from doing anything stupid. I looked at him in anger. 

Harry distracted Umbridge by telling Snape about Padfoot. She demanded to know what a Padfoot was but Snape denied knowing anything himself. "Well Potter, you leave me with no choice" she said furiously. "The cruciatus curse ought to loosen your tongue" she said, placing her picture of the minister of magic face down.

"But that's illegal" Hermione reasoned with her. Ignoring the brunettes pleads, she raised her wand. "TELL HER HARRY!" she said before it was too late. I looked at her in confusion, she just nodded at me. "Tell me what?" she asked, looking at the pair. 

"Dumbledore's secret weapon, we know where it is" she explained. "Take me there" she smiled. 

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