Oh that poor girl sure has gone through something... eda saidYou all looked at kikimora, you felt a little bit bad for her, she was desperate for titans blood.
You looked at hunter maybe hes here for the same reason, if you all got to the titans blood you were going to spare some just for him, you didnt want him to get introuble with the emperor at all.
Move it bird find another shoulder to perch on
Little rascal flew into your hair joining p/n
There blocking the path to eclipse lake! Amity saidWe should create a distraction.
You laughed at eda,
hey I'll help. You said
Moments later you were laughing at edas hair, till someone shot something, you were all running now.
till you made it to the eclipse lake entrance.
Is this titans blood? Eda said
What but eclipse lake is farther ahead, amity said
Titan blood looks cool! You said
Who cares! We did it! King shouted
Stop! Thats fools blood dont touch it.
Oh so you can keep it all for yourself pfft- hard pass
EDA WAIT! Soon then eda and king fell into a hole after hitting the fools blood, uhhhhh we shouldve listened to hunter, you got scared, you looked over and saw her with the staff stuck in between the two cliff walls
phew they were safe.
PLEASE untie me, i dont want to be replaced
You turned around once hearing that you could relate to that to, amity freed hunter, but then hunter tripped her. He grabbed your hand and you both ran to the minecart,
I'll be the first to get to eclipse lake, byeeeeeee! And you both minecarted away.
Time skippAmity put her paper down seeing you draw on the mud while hunter was digging.
Dont worry I wont pick a fight. He said
Oh hey amity, and king guess what! I said. we didnt find the titan blood buuuut look at my artistic skills, this totally looks like king.
Ohhh I wanna see. King said
Why are you digging then?
Oh it's simple really belos,needs titan blood to make a new portal key, cant get to the human realm without it.
But I cant go back empty handed hahahahahah, not again long story short this is my grave, want me to make you one? I asked
y/n, she said no.This is really bumming me out king said, as you and him stood up and standed next to amity.
You walked to hunter, then little rascal flew over him, find a better witch to be with, y/n you should find a better friend to.
He fell face first on his grave as he said that.
Nah I dont think I will, I like this one here. Hunter just smiled at you slightly...
Amity then went up to hunter, you decided to give them space to talk things out, hunter then slowly got up looking at amity
The key! You thought
Hey! Being nice usually works out for luz, amity shouted
Soon then king jumped foward and used his powers on him,
You then looked at little rascal, he flew to hunter making the soundwave evade him. Soon then the fight between him and amity started.
All you did was watch, you didnt move, you didnt want to stop hunter but luz needed titan blood to, you didnt know who to choose in the moment, till they both stopped,
Listen, your strong and I'm tired, hand over the key and if you dont. We know who you are and where the human is.
Amity then gasped and closed her hand even tighter where the key was, she then handed the key over.
Thank you I appreciate it, oh and I mean it, hunter said
Hunter walked up to you and grabbed your hand he then left,
you opened your hand, it was a bracelet?
You smiled a bit, was it a friend ship gift? You didnt know but you were grateful. You blushed a bit, hunter was a bit unpredictable sometimes.
------------------------------------------You all got back home, OW OW OW!! Just get an elixir, I got into harpy mode and now i cant turn back.
Also she ate like 9 voles on her way back, king said.
Haha, I think I'll head to sleep now today was tireing. I said
I was walking to my room i was looking at the bracelet, it was pretty, I was smiling to myself. soon then king jumped on me, so that's what the golden guy gave you,
I closed my hand in embarrassment. Noooo this is just something I got not to long ago,
Sureeeeee king said. Anyway lets sleep I'm tired.
You laughed, me to king, me to...

My Golden Guard
RomanceBeing edas daughter was the best thing ever, you got to go on cool adventures with her and it was fun. You were strong, thats what she always said. You never really got any friends, until you met him. The golden gaurd, will you fall in love with hi...