~Lo'ak pt2~

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Word count: 3404k

Sumarry: Military Na'vi get a hole of your group on the way back to base from the old shack. Not letting you go disrupts into chaos with Jake, Neytiri and Neteyam showing up to help with the fight.

Type: fluff, angst

Pairings Lo'ak x female reader

Warnings: unedited work, death, kidnapping, hostage situation

Notes: Kiri and Y/N are not adopted by the Sully family.



L o'aks fingers reached up, ghosting over your cheek, your words replaying in his head like a mantra. You nuzzled into his palm, lips pulling into a smile, nerves long forgotten.

"oel ngati kameie, Lo'ak." You breathed out lowly, blanketing his hand on your cheek with your own, five fingers over his own five digits. His yellow eyes traced the way your hand laid on his symmetrically, sharing the same difference. Demon blood. If there was any soul who shared the same struggles laid upon his shoulders, deep in the crevices of his heart he knew it was you. His hand cupped the back of your neck, pulling you down so your forehead rested against his- feeling the gentle sigh tickle your lips as his eyes bore into yours through hooded lids . His face was serene.

"Thank you.."

You returned with a squinty eyed smile , relishing in that same position, basking in each-others warmth, a blossoming of feelings being cast alight to all of pandora, to the All Mother, to Eywa. The intimate moment was interrupted at the sudden rustle of bushes and the echoing call of your names, sounding frantic. Lo'ak and you shared wide eyes, hastily scrambling to your feet as to not reveal such a display to your friends, Eywa knew the teasing would be endless, and you weren't quite ready to divulge such information with your sister just yet.

The youngest Sully brother offered you a quick glance, a certain twinkle in his eyes as he nodded, hand reaching down to your own with a light squeeze before letting go and leading the way to your friends. Your eyes watched his back as you followed behind, a million thoughts running rapidly in your head. Oh Eywa, what were these long buried feelings resurfacing?

The look of relief washed over their faces, seeing their two missing members come to light, Spider was the first to speak, his voice breathless as if he had been scouring the entire forest floor, "Where the hell were you guys?! I swear I looked at every single tree trunk and underside of every rock!"

Lo'ak rolled his eyes, leading the way once more with a playful slap to Spider's back, "C'mom bro, don't be dramatic!" his playful banter was returned with a scowl, Spider upping his pace to keep up with his long nimble strides, "Don't call me bro, bro. I was actually worried!"

Tuk had latched herself onto your leg, her loose braids tickled the flesh of your skin, her voice lightly quivered, "I thought you had been eaten by a Palulukan!" you made eye contact with Kiri who hid her laugh behind her hand, your fingers raked against Tuk's tresses soothingly, trying your best to hold in your giggle, "What? you know my hunting skills would not let me go down that easily, im not that bad of a shot.."

She peered up at you curiously, tilting her head - " even against a Thanator?"

You hummed, grabbing her hand into yours with Kiri at your side, pulling them along, "Maybe!" - Kiri, her observant nature ever so proficient, had taken keen notice of the tension between you and Lo'ak, making a mental note to bug you about it later.

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