Yoongi x Reader

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   (caregiver Yoongi x little Reader)

  (Y/n) sat on her laid cross her bed bored as she waited on Yoongi to come home. She wasn't really sure why he left. All she knew was that he called his "friends" as he liked to call them then he left. She didn't like that Yoongi had left her home alone again. Sighing, (Y/n) gets up from bed and heads to the living room.

   The living room was a big space for such a small girl. She like how tiny the room made her feel when she was in there. On the table there was an object (Y/n) had never seen before. "Don't touch the guns honey, only Daddy can touch those." Rang through her head as she looked at it.

  "Tat can hurt me. Daddy no want me get hurt." (Y/n) said at loud. She looked at the object for a good minute but decided she shouldn't touch it, Daddy would get mad. Instead she went over to her crayons on the shelf and grabbed them. Normally Yoongi would have put up the gun but seeing as he had to leave such short notice he forgot to. He had to round up the rest of his gang to go handle some important business.

  "Daddy said me no can color on the floor. But Daddy no here to stop me." (Y/n) once again said out loud. Yoongi had told her not to color on the floor because she tends to forget to pick up her crayons so they end up getting stepped on and broken. As she laid there coloring on the floor, she kicked her legs around in the air. She couldn't wait to give Yoongi her beautiful picture. This was going to be the prettiest picture she had ever made.

  "Me wan drink." (Y/n) stood and made her way to the kitchen. Climbing up on the counter, she grabbed her favorite sippy cup from the top shelf. Slowly climbing down, she sat the cup on the counter she had just been on to pour herself a drink. She thought she was careful, but the mess on the counter said otherwise.

   Returning back to her spot on the living room floor, (Y/n) started to color her picture again. Loud laughter rang through the house as the gang walked in through the garage door. One by one the laughter slowly stopped as they seen their leader's little doing the one things she was asked not to.

  "Daddy!" (Y/n) got up and quickly ran to her Daddy. Yoongi turned and saw the small girl covered in sticky juice, he turned his head and saw the juice all along the counter as well.

   "Princess, come with me." Yoongi motioned for her with his finger. (Y/n)'s got wide as she realized what was going to happen to her. She slowly followed Yoongi into their shared bedroom. Yoongi had proved a nice house for himself and his wife, seeing as she was also a little, she had another room to herself.

   "Sweetheart, you know what you did today was wrong. You broke two of Daddy's rules. What happens when you break Daddy's rules?" Yoongi asked.

   "Me get punish." (Y/n) fiddled with her fingers.

   "Yes baby, you get punished," Yoongi sat down on his bed after closing the door, "Over my knee honey."

   "But Daddy-"

   "No butts hun, you know the rules."

  The little slowly walked over and stood in front of Yoongi. He helped her go over his knee and softly rubbed her bum.

   "With or without your bum showing?" Yoongi asked.

   "Without please." (Y/n) said in a whisper.

    "It's only ten kitten, it won't take long." Yoongi reassured her. He slowly raised his arm into the arm, and brought it down on to her bum. The sting cause (Y/n) to yelp and start crying. Yoongi wanted to show her that she had broken the rules, but it hurt him to hear his baby cry. He was quick to finish the last nine spanks.

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