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Little Jungkook (0-4) x Caregiver Taehyung.
Some mentions of baby space
And YoonJin.

taehyung pov

   I watched as Jungkook sat there watching cartoons with Jin. They were both hugging their favourite stuffies to their chests. They were getting so into the cartoon that they didn't hear Yoongi calling for them. He then walked into the kitchen with his arms crossed over his chest.

   "Boys!" He snapped. Both littles jumped, then turned to look at him.

   "Yes Daddy?" Jin asked looking up at him with big brown sparkling eyes.

    "Lunch is ready." Yoongi said, then went back to the kitchen. Both littles shot up, and raced to the kitchen. I followed close behind, to make sure neither one of them fell.

    "Thank you Yoongi hyung for making lunch for Jungkook before we leave." I said then bowed.

    "No problem. I couldn't have the little guy starving." Yoongi said with a chuckle.


    "Kookie, baby. It's time to say goodbye. We have to go home now." I said as I stood up from the couch. Jungkook whined, but said his byes. Once done he walked up to me, and grabbed my hand.

   "Bye Yoongi hyung. Bye Jinnie. Thank you for having us over." I said as I walked towards the door.

   "No problem. We loved having you here. Bye now." Yoongi said as he opened the door for us.

   "Bye bye TaeTae. Bye bye Kookie." Jin said waving cutely at us. I smiled, and walked out the door pulling Jungkook along side me. We got to the car, and I opened the door for Jungkook.  He climbed in, and I helped him buckle up. I closed the door, then quickly climbed in my seat. I then started the short drive home.

  One home, I climbed out, then opened Jungkook's door. He unbuckled, and climbed out. He grabbed my hand as I closed the door, then we walked up to the front door. I unlocked it, and Jungkook ran inside. I chuckled, and closed the door behind me. Jungkook sat on the couch fiddling with the TV remote.

   "Bun, it's nap time." I said as I toed off my shoes, then placed them by the door.

   "B-But Daddy." Jungkook whined.

    "No butts." I said as I pulled off Jungkook's shoes. He pouted, and slumped back into the couch.

   "Awe, don't pout Bun." I said as I picked him up. Jungkook whined as he wrapped his arms around my neck. I walked into his room, and set him down on his bed.

   "Want to change into your pj's?" I asked. Jungkook nodded, and I walked over to his closet. I grabbed his bunny oniese, and helped Jungkook change into it. He then laid down, and pulled he blankets up to his chin. I placed his dummy in his mouth, and watched as he slowly fell asleep.


    I ran down the hallway,  as Jungkook's wails got louder. I opened the door, and saw Jungkook sitting up on the bed crying. I walked up to him, and pulled him close to me.

   "Baby, Kookie, Bun. What's wrong?" I asked.

   "I-I wet da bed!" Jungkook said then started crying harder. I picked him up, and carried him tot he bathroom not caring about the wetness of his bum. I sat him on the toilet seat lid, and started the water. Once it was full with luke warm water, I helped Jungkook get undressed. I placed him in the tub, and started washing him up.

   "D-Dada?" Jungkook asked.

   "Yes?" I asked.

    "I till sweepy." Jungkook said rubbing his eyes. I quickly grabbed a towel, and wrapped Jungkook in it. I drained the water, then picked up Jungkook.  I carried him to my room, and laid him on the bed. I grabbed a nappy, and pulled it up his slim waist.  I pulled a big white long sleeve shirt over his head that said 'Daddy's Little Bunny ' in pastel blue letters. I then grabbed pastel blue thigh high socks, and turned to Jungkook.

   "Do you want to wear these?"I asked. He nodded. I quickly pulled them up his legs, then started to dry his hair. Once done I brushed his hair, as Jungkook rubbed his eyes. I then laid him in the bed, and pulled the covers over him. I placed his dummy in his mouth, and his stuffed bunny under his arm.

   "Sleep tight little bunny." I said as I kissed his head. Jungkook soon fell asleep, with a small smile on his face. I quickly walked to Jungkook room, and grabbed all the bedding.  I walked to the laundry room, and placed the wet bedding in the washer. Once done I walked to the bathroom, and grabbed Jungkook's oniese. I placed that in the washer too.

   "Dada!" Jungkook yelled. I rushed to my room, and saw Jungkook sitting on the bed rubbing his eyes. I picked him up, and walked to the living room with him. I sat him on the couch, and turned on CareBears. He smiled, then pointed at his dummy. I placed it in his mouth, and watched as he sucked on it softly.


    The bedding was done being dried, and I quickly put it on Jungkook's bed. Once done, I rushed back to the living room just as the CareBears' movie ended. Jungkook whined, and turned to me.

   "What now Bun?" I asked as he cuddled into my side. He grabbed fist fulls of my shirt, and sucked on his dummy harder. I frowned, and ran my hand through his fluffy hair. I sighed, and turned on another season of CareBears.  Jungkook smiled, and gripped my shirt tighter. I turned slightly,  and pulled a soft blanket over the two of us.

   "I love you little bunny." I said as I kissed the top of his head.

   "I wuv oou Dada." Jungkook said as his eyes started to close.

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