Chapter 10: Who is she?

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Words and phrases appeared on the computer screen as Kara skillfully typed on her keyboard. Her new article about L-Corp technologies should be sent to Catco's sponsors as soon as she promised them. Fortunately, Kara had all the necessary materials: Lena's audio speeches of L-Corp's daily work, those machines' paperwork, and even detailed graphics about L-Corp technology's quality.

She was looking forward to good results.

"Suddenly, a pile of papers was left on Kara's desk, and she looked up, but there was nobody there. Her blue eyes scanned the papers, and Kara frowned. They weren't articles she needed to review as Editor-in-Chief, but documents about Catco's functionality! Why the hell was it thrown on her back? Kara didn't even want to think too much about it. Instead, she ignored the pile and turned back to the computer screen.

She wrote a word and replaced it, she wrote a phrase and erased it. So she read her paragraph again.

Her head dropped.

"Crap! Crap! What have you done? That's not fair." She cried low, working hard to not hum like a baby cry. She knew all her arguments minutes ago, how for Rao could it be possible?


The super ears recognized that timber hoarse voice nearby her and Kara headed up, struggling to show a nice smile to the young reporter next to her.

"Nia, how long! This, hum... I was just writing my article and now I forget everything I was thinking of cause of that document!" Nia's pupils widened upon hearing Kara's frantic pace, and then the Kryptonian took a deep and low breath, addressing a teeth grin at the young girl "But I'm okay; super okay. Soo need some help?"

Nia opened her mouth for a while, but closed up as faster as she opened up. Kara frowned at seeing that. Somehow she could sense some kind of nervousness coming from the young reporter, and when she looked down, she saw it.

"Oh no. You too, Nia?!" Nia couldn't help to show her superior an awkward smile, causing Kara's mood to sour. "Why are you doing this with me? I'm not a CEO, I'ma re-por-ter. I'ma editor-in-chief, these documents need to be sent to Lena, not me."

"I know, I know, but you worked so good like a CEO last time, you even got a sponsor! And Lena doesn't argue about your work, it means you were perfect! And the best thing, if you're our new boss, you can see Lena more often if you give her these documents."

"You're only pushing me to not see her, right?" Nia had difficulty hanging her smile, and Kara's heart sighed. "Is Lena so bad when you take her Catco's paperworks?"

"Definitely. Looks like she's gonna kill you."

Kara couldn't help but let out a dry and uncomfortable laugh. She could perfectly understand Lena's mood. The Luthor usually is bothered by her annoying business associates and she has to work overnight often to finish her work, and then someone comes from nowhere and plants more work on her desk? Everything has a limit! And right now, Kara felt well this scene was...

"See? And you're her friend. I know she'd be unable to argue with you" Nia insisted again.

"You're her friend too." Kara reminds her.

"No, she loves you more."

"I'm your human sacrifice."

"No, you don't. You're a worker. Isn't that what superheroes do, save other's lives?"

Kara rolled her orbs.

Using Supergirl's ideals was below the belt.

"Okay, I got it."

"Yeess! You're the best, Kara!"

Kara bit her lower lip and returned her focus to the computer screen, compressing in vain her giggle. Alone again, the blonde finally could continue her article, therefore it didn't take long to her cell phone beeped; it was Lena snack's time. Kara didn't spend many minutes calling the Belly Burger's snack bar. After sanding L-Corp's address, she sent a single 'don't skip your lunch, boss' to Lena's chat, and then turned her cell phone off. She couldn't skip the opportunity to finish the article, but also hated to think Lena would ignore her lunch time just because Kara wasn't there to force her to eat. Luckily the Kryptonian has a powerful ally Jess, which gives a little sight of relief in her heart.

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