Chapter 24: I still love you

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A deep line was draw on Lena's forehead and her fingers worked hard to not to close, crumpling the magazine in her hands. A big picture of Kara, Lena and Esme was glued on the magazine cover. In other occasion that should be seeing like something cute, but not with this title. 'Supergirl known as Kara Danvers walking with her daddy, Lena Luthor, to help her daughter'. What does those stupid reporter was thinking of? That why Lena hated to being surrounded by them.

Since she was a child reporters only were pursuing her to everywhere, spreading lies and more lies about herself. Most part of Lena's lifes was ruined by the Luthors and reporters. It seemed when there is a Luthor, there's a reporter to gossiping as well. So Lena prepared herself. She knew what to ask, how to behave, to threat and even run away without demonstrate being unsettled. Though what Lena never had imagined this could to occur.

Kara was beside the furious brunette, watching her nose to open and close quietly as trying to hold all her anger inside. Another magazine was on the metal table, with a picture of Kara and Carter talking was on the cover, titled 'Supergirl interrogates freshmen and burns the visiting room of the Presidential House'. This picture surprised Kara sincerely, since Brainy and Winn asked her all the photos of those teens were being deleted, but apparently the web run faster as they thought nowadays, being impossible to reach each one.

Luckily Carter Grant was with his back turned to the camera, preserving his social image. Kara only hoped her loved mother also thought like that after seeing this magazine. The other people wouldn't to connected Carter with this boy's back, but Cat Grant? If something escape her there's only one option: there's anything to being found, and that what worried Kara.

"How can they think I'ma sugar daddy? I have money, but I never would to that with you. Anyway, isn't a daddy supposed to be older than a sugar baby? I'm 28. I'm three years younger than you." Lena was shocked as reading the papers. Usually she've reading the most of National City's magazine to get informed about the world or simply being aware what CatCo Worldwide Media would focus from now on, although anyone had prepared herself to when the nervous Jess handed her that magazines with reluctance. And this moment, that exact moment all Lena Luthor posture flew away.

"Actually I have 54, so you'd be younger anyway." Kara blurted out and Lena shot her with a mortal look. Kara showed her a nervous and fake chuckle, then dividing her attention to other place. That was not a good time to jokes, she got it. "You don't need to worry about that, Lee. Many reporters made fake news, and CatCo will solve this, I swear."

"I believe on you, Kara, but all this gosp... Argh! Those shit reporters! Why they insist make our life a hell?" Kara pushed her glass to behind and gazed at the floor, not daring to pronounce any word. "Oh no, Kara. You're amazing. I'm not asking about you and Nia, okay? It's just... this assholes around, you know. Not a big deal." Lena said with a smile on lips, making Kara to nod slowly, although a clear confusion was written on her face. Lena hated yes-and-not the reporters at the same time, okay. It was so confused as her scientifics theories, Kara thought.

A ding came into the room, guiding their spheres at the elevator. Kelly and Alex were holding Esme's hands smiling as heading to the DEO's room. Seeing them, the bones of Lena became tenses, bringing the magazine cover to her mind. Alex and Kelly would hate her for put Esme in dangers, certainly. They handed to Nyxtly all the totens to having Esme back even it could to cust the humanity existence, so what not killing Lena this time? And the CEO doesn't deny them, apropos. Esme was only a child. Lena knew this problem could to happen at the moment she put her shoes out from the DEO, so she should have to pay more attention, but it not happened, causing all that mess on their lifes.

"Godmommy! Aunt Kara!" Esme ran to their arms, being welcoming with a quick and tight hug in response. "Hey sweetheart, how's you been?" Kara was smiling at her niece, realizing a certain shine into those big eyes. Esme showed a mischievous smile and shook slightly to right and left, squeezing her hug on her stuffed Lovey. "Very cool. I ran behind boring guys and they said I'm right!" Lena and Kara wrinkled their nose as hearing the little jumping Dylarian, then turning at her mother.

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