New Years Eve

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We had just got back from the beach and we're currently getting ready for Miley's New Year's Eve party tonight. Cari had just left to go get ready at the venue with her team, so I was with Alex and Y/bsf/n in their room getting ready.

Cari told me that her final outfit was a see-through, shimmery black body suit and a matching blazer. So I decided to kind of match her and go with a black slip dress that I had with shimmer detailing.

I was doing my makeup in the bathroom when my phone started ringing, Alex screamed "it's Cari I'm gonna joke with her and answer it". I laughed "ok when you are done could you bring it please".

I assumed she answered cause a couple of seconds later I heard "Hi princ....Alex?". Alex laughed "Hi Cari" and after a few seconds handed me the phone. "Hi baby". I smiled hearing Cari's voice, something about when she called me princess still made my heart flutter. "H princess, I just wanted to call and tell you the details for when you guys get here since I will probably still be preparing". I put the phone on speaker so everyone could hear "ok I put you on speaker so everyone knows the plan".

"Ok guys so when you get here there should be a sign towards the back, there is a gate by it as well, it says performers. There were 2 security guards standing outside when we got there and I assume they will be there through the night. Drive up to the gate and give them my number and they will call me to verify to let you guys in. Then when you get through the gates you'll see a parking lot then signs leading you to a group of trailers just find the one with my name on it and that's where I'll be". We all nodded at each other confirming we understood "ok baby we got it".

"Ok see you guys in a bit, love you, babe, bye". I put the makeup brush down finishing up my makeup. "Ok see you later, love you too, bye-bye". I pressed end call and got up to go freshen up my edges because they got ruined at the beach earlier.

We were almost done getting ready just getting shoes and getting our purses together. Once we were all done we headed down to the Uber Cari had ordered us from the hotel to the venue.

After about 10 minutes we arrived at the venue and were pulling up to the gate. We gave the security the number and Cari buzzed us in.

We were driven to a small grassy section behind the venue, which like Cari said had a bunch of trailers on it. We thanked the uber driver and got out, as we walked up to the trailers. After a couple minutes of walking around I finally found the sign that read "FLETCHER".

"hey guys, its over here". We all walked up to it. I knocked on the door just to let her know that we were coming in. I heard a familiar voice say "come in". So I opened the door and there sat Miley Cyrus. I was starstruck, to say the least.

I guess I was in a trance because a "BABY?" snapped me back into reality. I shook my head slightly and walked over to Cari "Hi baby". I placed a peck on her lips.

Miley gasped "oh this is the infamous y/n, I've heard so much about you". My eyes went wide omg Miley Cyrus knows my name. I snapped out of my fan girl mind realquick cause I didn't want to seem weird. "Yup that's me".

Cari took my hand "baby, y/bsfs/n, alex this is Miley, Miley this is y/n, y/bsfs/n and alex". Miley stood up hugging each of us "its so nice to meet you guys Cari told me so much about you all".

We sat and talked with Miley for a little before she had to go and finish getting ready.

Alex and Y/bsfs/n decided to go check out the venue and look around since the doors hadn't opened yet, also to give Cari and I some alone time.

I walked over to where Cari was sitting at the vanity in the trailer and sat on her lap, straddling her.

I could sense that something about her was a little off "are you ok baby?" She looked up and I could really see the worry in her eyes. "I'm just nervous what if I mess up or something, this is a big deal for my career and I don't want to mess it up and disappoint anyone".

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