Sick Day

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Cari and I just got back from our miami trip a couple of days ago. And yesterday I had felt fine, we flew back, slept for most of the day and then met my sisters for dinner. But I felt completely different today, I woke up with a bad headache and a sore throat, my whole body hurt to be honest. I tried to open my eyes, but the light in the room hurt my head too much to keep them open.

I hated when I got sick, I hated how it felt. So all I could do was sulk and groan. I groaned even louder when I realized my bonnet fell off, these braids are new and they are already getting ruined. I didn't feel like reaching for it when I saw it on the floor so I laid back down and tried to go to sleep so I didn't have to feel the pain. I guess I groaned loud asf because not even 5 seconds later Cari was up the stairs and at our bedroom door. "Good morning my love". I wanted to cry because I couldn't give her the sweet energy back, I whined in response hoping she got my message.

She walked over to my side of the bed. "Baby, are you ok?". I shook my head at this point wanting to cry because my throat was on fire. Cari, placed her cold hand on my forehead "babbyyy you're burning up". I had a fever too, damn I was really sick.

I leaned into her, as she placed her hand on my back rubbing it gently. "I hate being sick". I mustered out, my throat still burning. "I know my love, but don't worry I'm gonna take really good care of you". I smiled lightly, I fall more and more for this woman everyday.

"Lay back down baby, I'm gonna go get you something to eat so you can take some medicine". I sat back down, leaning back into the bed. I snuggled under the comforter before it was ripped away from me. Cari had taken it and gave me a thinner blanket. "Baby, are you serious, its cold". I said lightly, trying not to hurt my throat. Cari looked up "You have a fever, your body is hot so you can't use a thick blanket. I huffed in frustration, burying my head in the pillow.

Cari's POV

I'm gonna have to give Y/N sometime to calm down because when she's sick she gets frustrated easily, so I decided I was going to make her some breakfast. Her favorite breakfast when she has a sore throat is an acai bowl, luckily this new place opened up like 2 minutes from our house. I ordered 3 different ones for her to try and I got myself one, because I knew thats probably all she would want to eat today. Then I headed to the kitchen to find the medicine. We just moved in so I was still getting used to where everything was but after a little digging I found the day and night cold medicine so I got a glass of water for Y/N and went back upstairs.

I quietly walked in to our room to see her fast asleep. I placed the medicine and water on the night stand. I was sure I was quiet, but somehow she woke up. "Hi baby, I didn't mean to wake you". I whispered. She rubbed her eyes "it's ok babe, do you think you could cuddle with me". I pouted at how sad she sounded "of course". I noticed her bonnet was on the floor so I picked it up and climbed to my side of the bed. I picked her head up carefully putting her bonnet on for her, I knew she was probably upset because she just got her hair done and she hates when it gets messed up. After I finished I slid down, putting my arms around her to pull her on top of me. I gently rubbed her back as she drifted back to sleep.

I admired her face, her nose was perfect, her lips were so pretty, I loved how her skin look natural, no makeup, of course she looks gorgeous when she does her makeup, she is beautiful with and without it. I decided to check on the food I ordered and it was going to be here soon, so I carefully picked her up and gently slid from under her, and slipped out of the door trying not to wake her.

I sat downstairs for a little before there was a knock on the door. I waited a couple seconds and then opened the door picking the bag up from the porch. I walked into the kitchen, placing the bag on the counter. I put the 2 acai bowls for later in the fridge and brought the other 2 upstairs. I placed both on her nightstand and placed me hand on her arm, gently rubbing it. "Baby, I got you some breakfast".

She slowly opened her eyes "huh?". I picked up the acai bowl "I got you an acai bowl for breakfast". She put her hand on her mouth "babbbyyy you did not, i love you so much". I smiled "i love you too". I handed her the acai bowl and realized I forgot spoons, so I had to go downstairs.


I sat up, picking my phone up, something about a partner who listens just does something to me. I had only ever talked about my love for acai bowls when I have a sore throat like once, the fact that she remembered mad my heart so happy. I texted my sister lea about it and even she was dying.

Cari came back, this time with spoons, fucckk I was so excited to eat this acai bowl. She handed me my spoon and trust she had barely made it to her side of the bed and I was tearing it up. I scooted closer to her placing my head on her chest. She picked up the remote and pressed on Netflix. I finally got Cari to watch selling sunset with me because she found out that her friend G-Flip is in it. She pressed play and the episode started playing. All I could think about was how I got so lucky here I am sick and being whiny and my girlfriend got me my go to food when I'm sick, she's taking care of me like I am just so thankful.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 06, 2023 ⏰

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