The morning after..

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Sophie's POV

Waking up to the smell of bacon is the best thing ever! Wait.. where am i? Then it hit me, im in TOM FLETCHERS bed! Getting up and out of bed, i followed the smell of bacon until i found myself in a huge kitchen. Tom, Harry and Danny were stood shirtless around the marble counter talking.. Hello six packs! Harry was the first to notice me and handed me a cup of tea.

"Morning, babe! Sleep well?" Danny handed me a plate with eggs, bacon and saussages on.


"Wow, short answer. You haven't changed much, you've never been a morning person, have you?" Danny chuckled and I punched his chest. Out of the of my eye, I saw Tom frown.. What's wrong with him?

"Why so quiet, Tom? Jealous that Danny is pulling your girl?"

"Harry, thats disgusting!" Danny is gorgeous, there is no denying that, but I've always thought of him as a brother.

Deciding to end the conversation, i took my plate of food and sat down at the table in the next room and started eating. No one followed me so i guess they are still talking.. About me, no doubt. Staying silent, i could faintly hear their conversation..

"Tom, you are so in there mate." Danny said, rather loudly.

"Ugh, I don't think so. Things are just awkward."

"What happened last night?"

I dont want to hear the rest of the conversation. Walking back upstairs, i go back into Tom's room. I wonder if he will mind me borrowing some clothes.. I find a pair of joggers and a white starwars t shirt and changed into them. Turning around, i see Danny in the doorway smirking.

"Still the skinny girl i remember."

"You are such a pervert, Dan. You shouldnt watch people get changed." Giggling, i threw the dirty t shirt at him.

"Ive seen it all before. Anyway, you're the one who left the door open." If it was anyone else, i would have been seriously embarressed and i would be shouting many bad things at them but Danny has probably seen me worse than that 1000 times. He always was the cheeky one.

"Hmm.. True. You really should stop being such a perv though." Just then i noticed Tom stood behind Danny.

"Am i interrupting something?"

"Nah, just Danny being Danny." I chuckled.

"Okayy.." He looked at my clothes and i remembered that i stole his clothes, once again.

"Sorry.. I didnt have anymore clothes with me.. Do you mind?"

"Of course not, you look.. good in them."

"Mate, we're all going to the studio today, you coming?" Danny asked Tom.

"Will it be okay if i give it a miss today? I just want to rest my throat and it would be rude to leave Sophie considering she doesn't even know where she is."

"Okay, just dont take advantage of my sweet little Sophie." Danny pinched my cheeks as i blushed and hit his arm.

-- An hour later --

The lads left for the studio about 10 minutes ago so me and Tom decided to watch a movie.

"What do you want to watch?"

"Erm.. Starwars?" Tom's face lit up as he ran to get the movie. He looked like a little kid in a candy shop, it was cute. He walked back in with various starwars movies, inspecting the choices.

Settling on 'return of the jedi', we sat down on the sofa- him on one end and me on the other. We each had a bowl of popcorn and a cup of hot chocolate with marshmallows, yum. I started to get a little cold watching the opening introductions and i think Tom noticed because he went upstairs and returned a minute later with a big, fluffy blanket. Handing me the blanket, our hands touched and i felt the spark.

The movie was nearly finished and i was lying with my feet on Tom's lap covering us both with the blanket. I noticed that Tom fell asleep a while ago but he looked so peaceful, i couldnt wake him. As the ending song came on, i carefully stood up trying not to wake him but, of course, i failed.

"Is the movie finished?" He asked with a husky voice. Wow..

"Uh, yeah.. I didnt want to wake you because you looked tired, im sorry." He got a handful of popcorn and threw it at me.

"Dont appologise, just make me a sandwich." He said jokingly and winked at me. Well, thats not acceptable.. I stood up with my half-filled bowl of popcorn and tipped it over his head.

Danny's POV

We decided to finish early today and go back to Tom's house. Him and Sophie are so smitten, we may wind them up but we all agree on that.

I parked the car and we all got out and walked to the front door.

"Wait, what if we walk in on an awkward moment? I've done that a few times."

"We'll just walk in really quietly."

Slowly opening the door, we tiptoed in but heard screaming coming from the front room. What the hell? We all ran towards the noise and saw a popcorn-covered Tom sitting on a screaming Sophie.

"Erm, guys.." I awkwardly coughed.

Tom immediately stood up with red cheeks. "She tipped popcorn over my head!" Everyone burst out in fits of laughter as he helped Sophie up. "What are you guys doing here anyway?"

"You're welcoming!" I joked.

"If you don't want us here, we will just leave!" Dougie is always the dramatic one.

"No, I mean why are you back so early?"

"We decided to finish early and see you but obviously we're not wanted.." I did a dramatic sigh and started to very slowly drag my feet towards the front door and quoting one of our songs. "Because obviously we're out of you're league, im wasting my time cause you'll never be mine."

"Oh, not again.."

Everyone was trying to hide their laughter but failed.

Tom's POV

It has been an hour since the lads showed up and invited themselves to stay again. They are calling it a Mcsleepover.. I do worry about them.

"Hey, let's play a drinking game!" Oh god..

~~~ Hey, sorry this chapter is a little crappy! I wasn't going to carry on with this fanfic because I didn't think people were reading it but I got a couple of requests to update so i did. Please let me know what you think:-) ~~~

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